ugh give me a break. People know what fun is. Especially in the context of “You’ll have more fun if you taper your expectations.” Are you saying that people could have more fun if their expectations are let down?
This is just like the “telling people how to play” argument that gets thrown around. Making any statement that one believes will provide a general improvement to gameplay experience is reduced to it not fitting the individual psyche of one person out there so everyone is better left off without said comment.
If people think its more fun to be disappointed, then yes they don’t have to agree with me. They have my permission XD
It needs to hurry up both the waiting rooms are getting stale.
I actually loved Cata heroics and the general tempo of PvP most of the Xpac. Hoping I can get a few friends on and then I’m there for it.
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Im saying every human is different. You can not generalize that statement.
I prob won’t be playing Cata Classic, but I would play MoP classic if they just leap frogged to that since I never played it
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You just can’t re-release something from the past and expect it to go just as well as the first time.
Just look at Classic, it was nothing like real Vanilla.
The amount of meta-chasing, guides, and efficiency have all but removed the fun and wonder these old games had.
Also, people aren’t nostalgic for Cataclysm as much as Wrath and those prior, so going into it you’re already having player dropoff.
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That is because everyone knows what they’re doing now. There is far more information out there than there was back in the days. Plus, the game is slightly altered, so, it isn’t really a true classic experience either way.
That’s kinda what I’m getting at.
WoW is almost 20 years old now.
And you can only experience something for the first time, once.
I think it depends what they do with dungeons. If they are ridiculous like they were in era then I think it will fail. Even on retail when timewalking rolls around its not uncommon for there to be a couple of wipes on a Cata dungeon.
It is reasonable to believe the answer is yes, they will be included at launch.
It’s 100% certain. RDF is completely ingrained in the game by Cata. All the dungeons revamped are built for it. LFR is the question. I think it’ll come in the same patch it did originally.
As far as ‘what they’ll do about dungeons’…they’ve already said. We’re getting the nerfed versions. And later on that horrible Mythic Lite dungeon crap they shoved into Wrath that created a toxic, gatekept nightmare. They’ve learned nothing from that failure.
While I personally don’t think cataclysm will fail. I just have no interest in cataclysm or any future classic wow updates until blizzard adds permanent options for wrath classic.
I just want to be able to do both. And blizzard won’t let me right now. I want to clone my characters to both cataclysm and wrath classic so badly.
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legion will be a good expansion for a classic era.
Oh for real. I think it will eventually get that far also. Cannot wait for classic wod.
I can see cata classic dying down at the same point og cata did; dragon soul. Kinda like what’s happening with wrath atm.
They’d have to really change the game to prevent that from being the case.
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I’m happy we’re getting cata because it means we will get MoP. MoP was very fun.
I’m terrified that cata will die out so rapidly due to a combination of sod 60, new retail expansion, and the fact that cata is just complete garbage. If cata dies out we might not even get MoP.
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Just curious, (asking for a friend of course), what makes “cata … complete garbage”?
Throwing out a lot of “facts” in your posts. With zero evidence to back it up. “Most people want to play cata” how do you know that? Do you have statistics specifically showing the ratio between every classic players yes vs no?
Nice bait post.