Cata will do great. It won't be dead on arrival

Lots of doomsayers here, but I’m convinced that Cata will do well.

Most people want to play Cata and MoP (lots saying MoP was really good). I only know of 1 person in game who said he won’t play Cata, but he will keep his sub to log in and chat with people in game etc.

Don’t listen to the minority of doomsayers, people. Cata will do just fine, Mists will be even better. Looking forward to future Classic xpacs.


It won’t be “dead on arrival.”

It’ll be “dead 3 months later.”

An idiot that defends botting really should keep his trap shut afterwards as he’s left with no ground to stand on anywhere else.


I didnt play Pandalands last time. I might come back at the end of Cata to see the content I missed.

It will be the same as WOTLK, mostly raid loggers one the new settles down

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I’ve been waiting… and I hope I wont be disappointed.

Let’s see why.

Okay so anecdotal evidence. Hey, I’ve always felt that anecdotal evidence counts for something, but there’s a lot going against Cata.

  • Difficulty. Contrary to WOW forums and streamers, most people weren’t clearing 20% buff Naxx week 1 or even week 2. The vocal minority wanted even harder content. Harder content led to less raiders. Cata is a step up in difficulty form WOTLK.

  • Raid size changes. There is already an issue in WOTLKC where 10 mans are difficult to get into as an outsider and 25’s having PuGs in them that mess up constantly. There is also roster issues. Most are going to raid 10 man since they get good enough loot anyway, and guilds will have to balance out guild rewards vs finding raid teams for their members which might cause more skilled players being paired up with idiots making guild organization more crucial than it is now.

  • The Death of the Community. So much of WOTLK has commodified the player experience to where social interaction is made on a pragmatic basis. For some, this is a great thing, where they can grind dungeons through RDF, buy gold and enter a GDKP for their gear all while being part of a guild where they don’t interact with anyone that much and earn their guild rewards. However for some it will just further legitimize them spending time in SoD and that Cata is just Retail step 1.

  • Compounding problems from what’s going on in WOTLK. I also expect people demanding LFR by phase 2.

  • The story is less captivating, especially for new players.

  • People feeling like their Lich King kill or inevitable Lich King kill is the final step.

  • Lack of interest in doing things other than raid log

  • Further attempts at turning Classic into store bought rewards, cheapening the experience. They introduced the boost in TBC. They introduced the WOW token in Wrath. They’re probably going to release store mounts or transmog sets in Cata.

  • Finally, the general prejudice people have for Cata.

I’ve seen a lot of videos from WOWtubers talking about how the systems are good and it will have a better PVP experience and just that the game will play better than WOTLK. Then of course there are people like you and me who know people who say they will play Cata. However in my case, many of the people who claim they will play Cata have played the game a lot less during the end of Ulduar and will likely play Cata to raid log or quit WOW Prog altogether.

Will Cata survive? Probably, but will it do great? I think people will need more than good character gameplay and desire to continue playing their character to make the game great and Cata’s community mixed with its game systems will likely show a greater decline than it did when it was live. If anything, I expect people are holding for Mists.


You’ll still be playing Cata, this way you can continue to come to the forums and complain how you hate Cata and whatever other toxic nonsense you want to deploy upon us.


This is exactly what I am thinking. Much like WoTLK, most people who were playing it were raid logging. They were not there for the leveling experience or the “new content”.

It is exactly why I played WoTLK - I didn’t do any “content” or “holiday events”, etc. I did that already - I just wanted to re-raid again and hang w/friends… Cata will be the same.


I hope it does fine. I won’t be playing Cata myself. I did not enjoy it the first time around. I know Blizz has other plans, but I would prefer Classic, TBC and WotLK servers remain for those who enjoy them. Let those that enjoy Cata go on to Cata and also enjoy. I don’t get why the community seems to feel that if you don’t take away something someone else enjoys, then you’re doing something wrong.


If Blizz fixes some specific problems, I believe Cata will have everything it needs to be a good expansion


This is how society sees things now - Very polar and it plays into their dopamine fix. If someone disagrees, they are instantly wrong and then they can start to spew toxic nonsense and quote bogus websites and bloggers and “influencers” as actual proof/data points.

I’m not against era servers, I just don’t see it happening, but if it does, great - I am not interested but why would I care if someone else is or not.

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Just curious - what issues do you think they need to resolve? Serious question here.

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For me personally I just don’t really care, Cata is still there including virtually all of the world changes on live. Having access to the pre-cata world is really the biggest draw to classic era for me, so there isn’t a lot of draw to do cata classic. Also obviously just my personal opinion but I never found the Cata story to be particularly interesting and the style of splitting the zones up all around the world in previously unused spots just felt cheap somehow, but that comes down to me just enjoying having a whole new landmass to explore.

I am unsure why you wrote so many bullet points.
Your entire rant is about: Wrath is dead currently and players don’t like harder content.

While its certainly true that Wrath is currently dead, it is mainly due to the fact that there is nothing to do. Wrath is a terrible expansion to something outside of raiding. Blizzard didn’t start to add content outside of raiding until like mop.
And yes, some people don’t like harder content, others do. Or at least like to do some kind of progress instead of killing everything day 1. There is no data on what difficulty people want so don’t start with “but the majority

LFR will come at dragonsoul. The entire tier is designed around LFR.

Do you really think new players join wrath? lol. Pretty much everyone is either a veteran or somebody that used to play.
And besides that point, I know nobody and I mean nobody that plays WoW for story reasons nowadays. This is certainly something that was true 12 years ago but time has passed.

That’s just a echo chamber thing. Most people are either neutral about cata or have some minor problems with it.
Hating it or calling it “the end of wow” is just a niche pserver community that is pretty vocal in social media.

That doesn’t make any sense. The only thing they have added is levelling boost which was highly requested and the wow token which would inevitably come. If they really wanted to go the store route they would have released the store mounts a long time ago. Friendly reminder that the first “store mount” [Celestial Steed] was introduced in Wrath of the Lich King.

Thats very likely

Thats very unlikely.


I get your point but to me having just another land mass would have been cheap and lazy. The zones im cata made sense like the one you go through the maelstrom you were chasing down a a pillar.

Even in hyjal i think the point was to protect the world tree and awaken ysera from slumber.

Im a bit worried though i was hoping for some cata announcements by now about changes since beta is suppose to happen soon.

I was really hoping they would announce a chromie in org and sw that you could talk to so u could choose to see the old world or shattered world.

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The same ppl touting that are the same ppl against Wrathful gear being releases to the public.

What changed? Why are they suddenly ok with rating-less PvP gear?

They know that the PvE gear disparity is only going to get worse in Cata…

Like this idiot over here calling the weapon grind a freebie.

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“And other lies we tell ourselves”

That’s a gross over-simplification, all the points from the most important to the least are issues Cata has to address in part to be “great”. I feel like its important to distinguish Cata the game and Cata the experience.

I think its pretty clear that its a vocal minority that want harder content looking at Ulduar’s drop off, TOGC (the worst raid in Classic apparently)'s rise and ICC’s neutral to collapse. The reasons for this are diverse. There are some people who are bad, some who need to learn the fights but can’t and some who don’t want to waste time on prog.

If you disagree on this you disagree, there’s probably multiple explanations for the ironforge data, but I believe this explanation will be vindicated in Cata so we will just have to see.

For Cata to be great they need to bring in new players as many of the old Classic players have left and will leave WOTLK when Cata comes out. I’m trying to speak in context to OP’s opinion that Cata will do amazing.

They know they’re going to get a backlash like the WOW token and Boost. It will be easier for them to just release a bunch of mounts at once than do it at a trickle, like ripping off a band-aid. Who knows, but I’m sure it will happen.

People can disagree in whole or in part of what I wrote initially, but no one should expect Cata to hit even TBC levels of success. I don’t care because I won’t be playing, but people will have more fun going into Cata without too high expectations. It’s going to be a neat little expansion where you can raidlog with your guild, level alts fast and have a good challenge in doing so compared to WOTLK and the playerbase will be small.

L2read bro. I literally say the opposite, that it is not a freebie. I say that it is not gatekept, nor is it a freebie.

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There is nothing to disagree if there is no data for it.

No, not really. Many people that are unhappy with retail currently are joining, in addition to players that simply dont like Vanilla-Wrath. Yes, those exist. The one button spam gameplay is not for everyone. It is as always with WoW - People come and people go.
Besides, as it stands now, almost all raidloggers that are raidlogging in Wrath are going to play Cata. This is good enough.

No? WoW Token is much worse than the store mount. Especially if they can just say “it is the same as back then” lol.

Not sure about it yet. They get much more money just selling their boosts and heroic editions than useless store mounts that players have already bought 10 years ago.

It will hit TBC level. Fairly easy tbf lol
You underestimate how many people are fine with Cata and how many people are willing to join the Classic ride after Wrath.

First of all, fun is subjective. You cannot decide or predict fun.
Second of all, the expectations of Cata is going to be the same as every other expansion. Its a Classic iteration. People level, raidlog, enjoy a drunk evening with boomers and that’s about it.

Oh well we agree here

What defines Wrath Classic here? The overhyped release that saw a massive drop-off? Currently the Wrath population is pretty similar to TBC and Vanilla past phase 3 (and probably Cata).