Cata Quests Are Way Better Than Wrath

ok, the quests themselves are interesting but the quest density is ridiculously low

Cata questing is the worst. Almost every zone is full of pop culture references. I don’t mind it here and there but it’s really bad in cata.


The questing is better but there’s instances where you can go along a part of a chain faster than another and reach a dead end where you have to go back to complete another quest before you can finally progress.

i just played along with the idea that your epic battle with that particular boar lacerated its liver to where it’s useless


I did most of vanilla classic solo as I was new and didn’t feel comfortable grouping with strangers. WoW was always the MMORPG that could be played solo unlike others at the time

Agreed. Take out “Arthas” and its objectively worse.

Designer of twilight highlands was definitely a Halo 1 fan. “Bloodgulch” area and quest called “Hook em High” (Hang em High).

No, you’re the one who forgot WoW started with Vanilla. My statement is true the way it is.

What was bad about wrath questing was that it was brain dead with little risk of death.

Cata is brain dead is zero risk of death. It was actually made worse than it’s predecessor.


Vanilla quests were also brain dead easy.

Cata questing is way better it isnt even close.

Vanilla quests had a risk of death. Cataclysm quests do not. The comparison is obvious if you intellectually honest with yourself. It’s an absolute night and day difference.

If you enjoy pressing a iWin button and never having a risk of failure sure.


Yet people still do. It’s not much of an argument.

At times retail is mad with people doing stuff together.
They may not be sharing life stories but its an experience you don’t find in SP games and this is coming from a very introverted solo player that tends to find most people annoying, sorry.

When dying has no real consequences it’s not a risk.

Dude thinks he’s playing EverQuest

and how often do you actually communicate with random people in the open world in classic? at best you invite them to a group in a quest area and then say “gg ty” and disband after you kill your quest mobs.

So every video game you’ve ever played where you aren’t punished for dying, are therefore brain dead? You really aren’t thinking this through, now you’re just trying desperately to win this argument lol.

If you have a risk of death and ability to fail in vanilla, that by definition makes it harder than a game where you do not (cataclysm).

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Death doesn’t mean you’ve failed in vanilla, it just means you do a corpse run. Which means you can just brute force most things in vanilla questing without ever having to improve you skills.

People doing something in a game doesn’t mean it’s good or better than a previous incarnation of the game.

“Death doesn’t mean you failed in x video game, it just means you have to try again”. This is your argument in a nutshell.

You certainly do if you are trying to not die to the same mistake again.

That it’s even possible to make a mistake and die as a result makes something comparatively harder than something where it’s not. This is just common sense.

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