Cata Quests Are Way Better Than Wrath

What an incredible leap forward in terms of quest design at least in the new zones, excluding a few notable exceptions Wrath questing was so awful I think back to the ending of the Coldarra questline and you are suppose to have this huge cinematic moment with Malygos…what pure garbage that was! I can’t be the only one noticing this while leveling; Vash’jir left me stunned with how cool the questline was, even better than Dragonflight questing


For each expansion, Blizzard worked on improving the player experience. Guess you’re new to Cata. It was always like this. It always got better each expansion. It’ll be the exact same thing once MoP Classic hits followed by WoD Classic.

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The slow shift to better drop rates for quest items is nice.

I was not a fan of killing 100 things for 10 items. What are the odds of finding liverless animals? Pretty damn good in old wow.

How those animals were so strong lacking a liver….now there was a wth moment to me really.


I mean…the whole point of that was to show that, despite all your preparation and accomplishments in the region, you were still woefully unprepared to face Malygos himself. So it makes sense that the “big climactic battle” fizzles out

it kind of just looked bad like you veeeery sloooowly fly around malygos, malygos is shooting little tiny magic bolts at our ally dragons which are doing 0 dmg to them, malygos has a weird bobblehead while he’s shooting his dinky little magic. and then he kidnaps keristrasza in the most anticlimatic way. vash’jir had these cinematic moments too but they were actually cool and the vash’jir naga were an actually cool threatening villain faction. wrath malygos faction and nerubian faction felt especially lame when you think about it


Eh, most of the budget probably went into the Wrathgate, which was the first ingame cinematic period, and the process of making it was a bit more complicated than making an actual animated cinematic

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i think they didn’t care they could have made a cool questline but it sucked and malygos sucks, and this is how I feel about most of northrend questing there are a few exceptions

The Nexus War is a core part of Dragon lore and WOTLK lore.

It feels very mid, because 2008 WoW was still very rough around the edges technology wise.

I really wish Blizzard would make this change to SoD.

Blizzard worked on improving the *single player experience. You forgot a word there. Outside of raiding and m+, there’s virtually zero need for communication or interaction in retail.

Retail later years low level was more solo. There weren’t 2000 level 20s about. Hell when I started legion I saw no one in blood elf start. Even farmers don’t go there. Their level caps can’t fly between nodes.

Cata is like this too, or getting there. I have a side trial run on grobb again. Questing I am alone by org. Even alliance seems have better things to do than rush the city. or pick off lowbies like that level 14 rogue lol.

there’s zero need in classic too

You say this, but wait until you level an alt.

It’s the same quests in the same order. You can’t even skip things because it’s a completely linear quest chain. You physically can’t progress the zone without doing them.

Add this to the following:

Therazane rep is hard required for enchants. You do not unlock this reputation until 70% of the waly through deepholm.

Hyjal must be progressed until the Rebirth in order to access Firelands once it is released. This means you must complete about half the zone to unlock.

The Earthen Ring requires about 20% of vashj to unlock the rep vendor

Uldum rep is luckily unlocked within about ten minutes of questing.

Add these in to the fact that you have ZERO flexibility in where you want to quest or what quests you want to do and you have one of the most unfun leveling experiences in wows history when it comes to alts. You must do the linear leveling path in order everytime. Even if you bought a level 85 boost you would STILL have to go back and quest to unlock these factions. It is insane how poorly designed and thought out these zones were.


I cous give it all up. Blizzards story and story telling has always been meh at best.

Yeah i mean, in early classic it was set to grindy like old mmorpgs were, so you killed stuff a lot to offset the bad quest turn in xp or you’d run out of quests. Most people were complete noobs in their first playthrough, whatever expansion you started in, so dungeons werent on the table yet. I kinda miss the old runescape like drops, new mmorpgs feel so much less rewarding but hey, whos got time for that nonsense these days. Not me!

With questing, I think Blizzard really start hitting their stride with WoD and onward(s).

Can’t speak on everything else but this part is 100% wrong.

I didn’t step foot into Vashj besides flying to where vendor was to buy the tabard.

You definitely can easily get friendly for the tabard without doing anything in Vashj

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The only dungeon a dude had to say something in rdf was temple,

Final boss stand in the “triangles” and now you don’t die.

Voodoo magic fix there for some. Rdf beyond that has been pull and pop. At least for the ones I get.

Oh and for one some dude could not find the manuscript for quest. Someone lit it all up with a ray of light lol.

I dislike them, they’re not as bad as retail but if I wanted single player style questing experiences I’d be playing a single player RPG. Plus a lot of the phasing is buggy as hell in Cata.


Vanilla classic no. But solo fest tbc/wrath/cata yes.