[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

Blizzard just delete my professions please I will level them from scratch. How is this so hard for them just reset the professions


They need to fix, I don’t want to lose 2 professions 425+

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Because not everyone will want that, to put it rather mildly. Although, at this point, once they fix this I think they should just max (to 450) every affected profession. That’s what we all would have done prior to launch anyway (ok, speaking for myself, but I think it’s a fair bet most would have worked to max out profs before the launch.)

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Bumping yet again

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Yes I even gave the GM my profession levels before the boost so they just have to “type” in the numbers 
but no I still keep getting the “canned response” to my ticket on 0/0 profession after boost. I have had at least 4 responses to my ongoing ticket and each is getting nastier
I dont care my responses are too. Each time I also demand a Blue Post in the forums out of professional courtesy
haha. So I still type here and keep my ticket to Blizz open and on going

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Oh Ya and one of the “canned responses” to my ticket is 
we know of the problem
we are working on it
BUT have no idea when it will get fixed 
 :rofl: amazing! If this was retail or SOD it would have been fixed already!


I just went to check on my professions still 0/0 but my “active” ticket mysteriously was “archived” so I reactivated it with complaints of multiple reports on this on the forums, no blue posts, and Cata is here in 1 day
the waiting continues


Ticket will not help. The support redirect to bug Forum.

They know the bug excist.

I lost trust to buy products from store.


Blizzard straight-up changed my ticket to “Resolved” and closed it so I couldn’t continue responding.


yup closed all my open tickets and are closing any new ones i open

that’s great if you already had the profs you wanted but I was planning to unlearn and level new ones right after my boost so maxing out 2 profs I didn’t even want doesn’t make up for locking me out of profs for 3 weeks

Well, it’s not like they’d actually do this, or try to make up for this in any way whatsoever; I’m just saying. If they fix this, they’ll restore everything as it was and just say sorry not sorry.

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They will also spin it in such a way that they appear like the white knight riding to our rescue. They won’t aknowledge (a) the depth of the problem, (b) the breadth of the problem, or (c) how long it took them to get around to fixing it. I actually suspect that the cure might be worse than the disease (in their eyes). When a core component of this magnitude breaks, one would think that to fix it could potentially break myriad other things (maybe even some they already got around to fixing ahead of this issue!). Obviously I cannot seem them leaving it like this, since there is ZERO work around (like there is no “nuclear” option for the character(s) in question. The “nuclear” option here is creating a brand new character, boosting it, then learning professions!). But at the same time, I don’t see what the end game is. I am not sure they can fix these characters (either they don’t know how or like I said, the pathway forward breaks other parts of the game).

At this point, either they don’t care or they don’t know how. And I think they probably expected (and hoped) most players would just move on (either to another game or another character). But I think that was a huge miscalculation on their part.

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Today’s ticket response:

"Currently, we have no known issue regarding this, Neither are there any internal reports regarding this matter, This isn’t to say that an issue doesn’t exist only that it’s neither confirmed nor reported, as such w lack a workaround with this matter. "

Someone in my guild had his professions start working, though mine are still broken.

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Well, I had this answer.

"I understand your professions went down to 0 after boosting your character.

As you already know, we have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it’s not working as intended. I’d like to apologize for this issue while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve it. In addition, I’ve to be honest with you, currently we don’t have a workaround or resolution that can be provided.

However, I’d always recommend to report the Bug in our forums since all posts are tracked by our Technical Support Team, which is different from Customer Support, you may don’t receive a response by them but they indeed are trying to solve this as soon as possible."

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Agree. I’m starting to think they don’t know how to solve it.

I think the easiest solution is to give max professions for everybody that used a Boost in toon with all possible recipes.

I think they made a mistake in boost code in Cataclysm. In the past, the boost gave max professions if you were lvl 60.

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They have 2 days to fix it before the expansion. If they don’t, I know I’m not touching it

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They didn’t fix in 19 days.

If we got lucky they will fix in 1 or 2 weeks.

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The organization’s negligence or incompetence is unacceptable, given its size and reputation. It is reasonable to assume that with the advancements in artificial intelligence, a solution could be developed within an hour or a script could be created to address the concerns of affected customers.

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My professions and first aid are still sitting 0/0 since i bought that boost 2 weeks ago. any eta on when its gonna be fixed? please please fixed the broken professions. Please Please Pretty please?

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