[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

Did a chargeback almost a week ago now and no character block. ::shrug::

Blizzard’s Service “sucks balls”.

how hard would it be for them - WEEKS AGO - to max professions.
allow those they screwed free boost/replace items.

but no, they give BS excusses that there is no fix - STEAL our money and refuse to refund, when not providing service.

Now past cata launch.

should sue the lazy F%&^%$!!
been weeks…

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Looks like my Main professions have finally been fixed, oddly First Aid seems to have been missed, and is still 0/0…guess this is progress though

I just came here to say the exact same thing. Professions are where they should be acccording to the hotfix. However first aid is still 0/0

As people said.

My 2 main professions are working now.

First aid is still 0/0 and I can’t level it.

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Professions fixed but my First Aid is still 0/0 cant level it . fix it please.

first aid still bricked. bricked company.

yay 300 eng thanks blizzard and ya you missed first aid

congrats on that one, there are others in here that had theirs blocked

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maybe in 2 months they will respond with a, ok we fixed it and set it to lvl 10


Bump for First Aid, seriously come on


Please fix the first aid! Pretty please…

Realm restarts this morning included fixes for this issue.

We’ve been looking for any feedback players who experienced it may have, following restarts.

Guild Achievements are not tracking crafts. We will not have Guild Cauldron at this rate for raid. That is a huge deal that needs to be fixed

Looks good on my end too bad its only 300

As of today, after the Tuesday restart, I still have this issue.

I am 450 engineer and the profession tab/professions has me as 0/0 Alchemy with Transmutation Master. I could still use my glove enchant from engineering but now I cannot access my Engineering or level it.

I tried inputting a ticket but could not input one.

The Restart Fixed my First aid thanks:)

No offense, but if your response to Blizzaard crapping the bed like this is spending MORE money on their game, why on Earth would they bother being better? You’ve admitted you’re willing to throw money at a company that doesn’t care about your enjoyment.

RDF for lower dungeons have been bugged sense pre-patch I made several topic on this but not one answer. My Shaman who is level 35 can’t do SM Library anymore because of the RDF bug. Here’s a screenshot of my Shaman in SM Library alone but I can’t que for because of the RDF bug. https://i.imgur.com/ywMbPdw.png

Blizzard finally got around to locking out my character after I disputed the payment. The bug was not fixed until after launch (even then it was not fully fixed) and I spent over a week trying to catch up and max those professions, fighting others in Northrend for mats, etc. My guildmates are miles ahead of me, already on heroics. I’m still leveling.

A total screwup by Blizzard and they still feel entitled to payment for ruining my Cata launch experience. No justification on their side, just: you owe us money for the broken product we sold you. THE WORST.