Cata prepatch on april 30th. launch may 20th

bye bye wrath. mop waiting room inc lol.


A lot of people had guessed June so we’re getting it a month faster than we thought! Or the people who thought August are getting it much much sooner than they thought.

They’re rushing Cata wayyyyy too fast. Needs to be 6/30 Pre patch, 7/20 Launch. They haven’t even done raid testing and a lot is still broken…


Thats the neat part! We get to do live raid testing.

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SOD Style!


i was thinking june myself. i think they’re trying to hurry and push bc tww is coming soon after.

My guess is they’re trying to head off Shadow of the Erdtree (and by extension Dawntrail)

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imagine waiting for mop. just go to retail at that point.

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The primary motivation for most classic players in any version of classic was always just to replay the content with the original class designs, which you can’t do in retail.

Everything else about limiting features and accessibility was only appreciated by a tiny minority of classic cultists. Most classic players couldn’t care less if you give them better features for grouping and what not.

Shadowlands waiting room :wink:

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MoP is basically the last expansion I’ve heard anyone have any interest in playing, and Blizzard basically said the same. MoP has some solid content and despite the talent changes it had some of the classes were fun to play. I kind of think it’s probably the stopping point because after that, well it gets more bad than good.


Imagine thinking MoP plays anything like retail.


Ever since Cata classic got announced, I have been fully sinking my teeth into the idea that MoP Classic might happen. And for me I couldn’t get more excited, lots of fun content to dig into (IMO) and it was the first time I enjoyed playing classes outside of my normal four.

I’m very much hoping they decide to delay their launch just a bit to deliver at least a “mostly fixed” experience for Cata, but I’m also concerned at the short time-frame of the raids. I’d love to not rush through raid tiers like I’m trying to speedrun the expansion. xD;

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And no mention of Wrath era.

That’s it. WoW is dead.

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I always thought the primary motivation was to play the expansion with a group of other people. Sure you could play Wrath or BC or Cata in retail but you’ll mostly be alone there. Almost no one in any of the zones. Almost no one doing dungeons. Almost no one doing raids. The vast majority of retail players are playing what ever is the current content. MMO’s require a significantly large number of players doing the same expansion at mostly the same time. We’re a fairly large number of players going through the expansions together. That’s what makes it fun.

Cya in Cata

This is also true in classic outside of the initial rushes after a release. It was even true in SoD depending on what layer you got into. Especially in phase 2. Most zones were empty because 90% of the people were in SM. I did some questing in phase 2 when it first started with a friend and we hardly ever ran into other people.

I see as many people in leveling zones when a new retail expansion launches as I see in classic. They’re all sparse latter on. You still see people in retail doing world events for recipes and a bunch of people at holiday or temporary events even this late into the expansion.

I’d say WotLKC zones are just as if not more empty on Faerlina as any retail zone I go into on Illidan if there’s no special event or anything bringing people back to it.

It’s easier to do dungeons in retail than classic even at lower levels due to level scaling and Chromie time.

Even when dozens of people were sitting outside Scarlet Monastery in SoD to do an awful leveling grind I’d say you’d still be better off doing dungeons in retail than classic.

The lack of a decent group finder + no cross-server grouping + travel times alone make classic dungeons run far less than retail ones.

RDF in WotLKC changes that a bit, but without level scaling you have a much smaller number of players in each little level range to find people in.

Not sure why anyone would think this isn’t true of classic as well. This is true of every version of WoW. It’s also true in SoD which is why you find people in the SoD forums complaining about not being able to find any groups for leveling dungeons anymore.

Classic has absolutely no meaningful advantage on a social level. If you want to be in a guild on retail you can. You can choose to do all the content with friends and a guild exclusively if that’s what you want to do.

People play classic to do old content with the class design of that expansion. If it was more than that, you’d see a lot more people playing WotLKC still or era. You don’t. They get bored of WoW classic content just as much as they get bored of retail content. Era never had a large playerbase and WotLKC lost over half its active raiders when SoD came out because people were more interested in trying the shiny new thing.

Of course it’s true of classic. It’s why era doesn’t work. People aren’t playing just to re-experience the original expansion, but to do it with a lot of other people. Almost no one was playing vanilla when BC came out because most of the people moved to BC. Even those who weren’t quite done with vanilla moved onto BC because that’s where all the people were. As much as many people like wrath almost everyone will move onto Cata. Wrath era will fail if it’s added. We all want to move on together, more or less at the speed that blizzard determines. It’s too slow for some of us and too fast for others but because we want to play together we’ll move on with the group.

It’s happening in SoD currently for a different reason though, Incursions simply make it stupid to do anything else once you get high enough. I mean I knew something was going on when I went out the first day and wasn’t fighting very many if anyone at all for mobs in zones that people should be using to level.

They seem to be trying with a new retail event that is mop remixed.

Issue, it’s mop with what is off in df. Class balance, skill setup, etc.

As a retail to classic convert, I agree there is a big difference…

I will go for easy low hang fruit.


Combat rogue is not outlaw. Combat is really cool. Outlaw…is a sin I will never forgive blizzard for.