Cata is a meme right

This is an online game where I am meant to have fun, I have fun playing classic cata. As do many of my best friends. This is such a projected take and its so weird how mad people on these forums get any time anyone says anything good about a prior xpac.

Yeah bro, I don’t think any of us are looking to get glad or r1 in cata classic. At least im not. I’m looking to log on my sham, play some rls with my friends, and have a good time qing in to hansol, jelly, etc. Its fun to press bind elemental vs mages and see them die instantly.

It will assuredly happen, but there are also professional players asking blizzard to disable that kind of stuff in later seasons, maybe they will, maybe they won’t. Idc.

Literally, back in cata I mained hpal and thought addons were cheating and was able to get to 2100 without any pve gear.

Wild to be posting in cata general discussion while being mad over here. Go outside and take a walk dude.