Cata is a big mistake

Why is Classic Larry and Retail Andy fighting again?

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I agree with the OP. The characters that I created in Wotlk were my original Classic characters. Blizzard just moved them to the Wotlk server and now they have migrated to Cata without asking me if I even cared to do that. I had to create brand new characters on the original Classic after this. Why is it a good strategy to keep pissing off the players who are paying for the game? They should keep like 2 Wotlk servers live and keep your characters there with the option for a free transfer to the Cata servers. I just deleted my toons on all Cata servers because I don’t enjoy WoW beyond Wotlk.


Because Retail Randy is egging them on.


Your opinion is the vocal minority, no one wants to play Vanilla-WOTLK on repeat forever.



I’d gladly pay 20 a month for NOT have Retail but Vanilla Era, TCB Era and Wrath Era.


None of your characters are yours.

You literally don’t own anything.


cant wait to do icc for the 489th week in a row! Whos next up for getting smourne guys?


I disenchanted my smourne for the 16th time so I can have the fun of getting it again. I could do ICC forever!


I don’t see the harm in having a “tier” approach to it tbh.

First Tier: 2-3 Classic Era servers: 1 PvE, 1 PvP, and 1 RP.
Second Tier: 2-3 Wrath Era servers: 1 PvE, 1 PvP, and 1 RP.

The rest of the servers progress as normal. We get as far as we do through the expansions before it’s no longer profitable and Blizzard rolls the “Classic servers” into Retail servers. Maybe it’ll be Legion. At that point, we’re in modern WoW anyway.

The next time they offer fresh start Classic servers, players can jump off at one of two points, or continue on through the progression. But they must jump off to the locked Tier 1 or Tier 2 servers before the next expansion is released. If they don’t transfer off before Cataclysm is released, they’re locked into the progression.

Obviously this doesn’t apply to current Cata Classic servers, because it’s too late.

I would have kept half my characters in Wrath era.


In my opinion, most people hate on Cata because everyone else does lol, they don’t have a specific reasoning of why it’s bad. Everyone who is crying that it changes the open world and story line don’t seem to realize that vast majority of players during Wrath would either be in raid, a dungeon, or sitting afk in Dalaran. A lot of players quit back in Cata because the content took a big step up in difficulty and they couldn’t handle it.


yep, it IS retail. My wife and I were very sad when we logged in Friday…so, back to Classic we went.
Wrath was the pinnacle for WoW…its all downhill from here, and we all know it.
Why they won’t make 1 or 2 dedicated server doesn’t surprise me. Because Blizzard is Blizzard.
Just look at the state of Diablo 4 how it was launched. DEVs playing on Stream not even know how to use basic skills, just a total trainwreck


I disagree.

The problem with Cata was you got a huge burst of things to do… followed by a extremely long wait for anything else…

This will be great because its over in 10-11 months… then blizzard will get the real money maker working with MoP

My only rant was in first run in retail leveling I followed my breadcrumb like good boy.

Straight to water world of suffering. It was later I found I had options. So that cata gripe is solved.

Now only mop has a fatal error. As horde to I’d really like send princess anduin to the shadowlands in mop.

Garrosh wanted blood to flow. And the arbiter would give anduin a nice home. He can’t be arthas infused by the jailor if he is mind wiped in bastion lol. 1 life for several million. 1 annoying life…

You could call yourself Bingo!

I don’t understand why people are trying to turn this into some sort of war between fanbases. How about both? I want Cata, and I also firmly believe there should be 1 server of each type left online forever for every expansion along the way. Who cares if it’s mostly dead after a few years, that’s how 80% of all WoW servers are anyway. RDF works across realm so there’s some always room for groups, let the Premade Group Finder allow cross server grouping if the state is so dire, it’s a fair trade off to keep your prefered expansion available in perpetuity. If people want to jump back in to their favourite old expansion, let them.

Either way, removing an expansion after it’s done just repeats the mistakes of the past that led to Classic realms in the first place. How many more years is it before we once again have the walls crumbling from people screeching about wanting another TBC/WotLK Classic?

Solve both issues at once for the good of everyone.


lmao, MoP is when 90% of people quit :rofl:


WoW player makes a single argument without hyperbole challenge IMPOSSIBLE

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haha its funny you say that, I actually deleted my character after I got full bis/shadowmourne just so I could start fresh in WOTLK because god I just love WOTLK so much I could do ICC forever!

That loses its thrill even in retail.

I had to make my own mini game on icc run 500+ for invincible.

How far could I get before the jaina crying voice over. The goal was doc and construct dead before the crying about her pride in the king for the dead saurfang son boss kill script.

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