I logged in to my Shaman on Cata classic (this character), finished my JC daily and noticed my guild reputation increased despite being exalted since I finished leveling near launch. Went to check, and i got reset back to Neutral. Character did not get removed, nor leave, the guild at any point. This also happened to our shadow priest in raid a couple days ago.
Can confirm this has happened to one of our guildies as well today, second time for them.
This just happened to me too today while playing, i had turned some quests in and nothing, went to do some dailies and all of a sudden i was getting guild rep again. I looked and i went from exalted â neutral.
My paladin also had this happen to him. Went from 999 exalted to 0 neutral. Was unable to use the guild bank, the guild banners, cloak of coordination, etc.
Sent tickets in, customer support canât/wonât do anything about it.
Same here. My rogue lost all the guild reputation from exalted to 0 neutral. I submitted a in-game ticket but the customer support does nothing but asked me to post here in forum. WTF
This just happened to my hunter.
This has been happening for a while. Please help us Blizzard! I was exalted with my guild and then I was neutral. Then it went to freindly next day I logged in. I need to be exalted! Trying to buy 1-85 HeirloomsâŚ
Happened to me as well. The GM that responded to my tickets says they canât fix it and directed me to post here.
Yeah this is an ongoing issue which is even worse.
Well from when I posted back in January about it, it has happened again to the same guild member again and has also happened to the highest ranked officer in the guild.
Logged in on my mage to buy some of the guild vendor heirlooms and Iâve been reset back to neutral. Pretty bummed about it.
Welp, it happened to me today. I went from exalted with my guild (exalted since shortly after Cata launch) to zero today. Went to open a ticket after reporting the bug and Blizzard literally tells you itâs a known problem and not to bother with a ticket because there is no fix for it and customer service cannot help you. Lovely.
Littlespice, was this on the character that you posted on?
Same here. Thankfully I was only Friendly and able to keep my purchased piece of heirloom gear. Started me back at 0.
Here is my character that was reset.
After the server shutdown various players have had their guild exalted rep removed and are now neutral with their guilds.
Yep super nifty, our cauldron dropper can no longer drop them.
This happened to one of the officers in my guild. Please look into this D:
Just want to reiterate that weâre aware of an issue with some players in Cataclysm Classic having their guild reputation set to Neutral.
Weâre working on a fix for it, and we do not yet have an ETA on that.
Thank you for posting <3