[Cata] Guild reputation resetting?

Happened to me 4 months ago on my main.
Made a ticket but there was no restore at the time the GM told me. Glad they found the issue and preparing a fix.
Made it to exalted back again anyway from that 4 months ago.

Happened to my main raiding character who was logged in at the time. Toons that were not logged in do not seem to have been impacted. Other things noticed: Some UI elements were reset such as bag positions. Was in a Random Elemental Rune Protocol Twilight dungeon (all guild group) when it started and the party only noticed the outtage after we finished and exited the dungeon.

Yep just happened to me on this character, even logged out 2 days before right in front of the vendor to decide what class i wanna play next to get heirlooms for and now i cant get them at all
womp. Welp, its your move blizz
MHW comes out tomorrow, up to you what i spend time on this weekend/going forward. :wink:

They’ve been ‘working on a fix’ for over a month. Just come out and say it won’t be fixed
back to Molten Front dailies

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Just had this happen and put in a ticket. The GM told me to check to make sure I wasn’t at war with my guild, and to open a bug ticket. Found this thread when I started looking around just now.

So any update on this?

I can’t put down any Cauldrons I have made for my guild in our raids. I also can’t do much of anything as an Officer for my guild either.

Is there any update on this? Just give everyone Exhalted with their guild and move on, why is this taking over 1 month now to not have a fix for it?


any info about the bug? ETAs? or at least an ‘hey, still working on it’?

I have the same issue Just posting here in hopes this gets resolved.

We’re all still waiting Blizzard. And we’ll be posting here every day.

Day 64 since OP


I just finished grinding my last exalted rep to get the guild achievement “United Nations” (I am a pet collector). I was like why isn’t the achievement popping? I relog thinking its that, and finally notice I can’t use my banner and look and my guild rep is reset to 0! I see that there is no way to resolve this, so I am here to plead for a fix so I can get one of my final pets :sob:

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Might as well bebop over to Hyjal and start your daily grind. If we’re surprised with a fix, neat.

At this point I’ll just be thrilled if my rep doesn’t randomly get wiped again.

Most of my guild’s rep was reset last week when we finally managed to log in after the world server was broken for an hour right at the start of our raid time. And then half of us had the green fog. Great game, blizz.

It’s likely that it will. It’s happened to people in my guild. Just a waste of time.

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Can you hurry the hell up please
this is incredibly annoying

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It happened on this character
what you all doing about it?

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Hello Blizzard. Day 67, just checking in to see if we’ve given up