Yea cuz wotlk was any better.
Ready to spend 3+ months doing Naxx 10 and 25 man??
Then we get a 1 boss raid yay!!!
Wotlk was only good cuz of Ulduar and ICC.
Yea cuz wotlk was any better.
Ready to spend 3+ months doing Naxx 10 and 25 man??
Then we get a 1 boss raid yay!!!
Wotlk was only good cuz of Ulduar and ICC.
How is that any different from the beginning of any other expansion? At least there is 10 and 25 man versions you can do both of.
Doesn’t this one boss raid have different difficulties as well?
Sounds great to me, plenty of content for the beginning of an expansion, much more than the 2 that came before it.
Testing 123 Testing
It’s not about the 2 raids it’s the fact we spent 6 months already doing Naxx.
Wotlk just redid content that was already done, and not even in a better way.
The best quest name from Cata was “Just the Tip” or something like that. I’ll be that will get changed.
Idk man that gnome makes a device to make himself bigger than Deathwing so he can punch him in the face.
Hard disagree, the only decent raid in Cata is Firelands.
ICC and Ulduar are both better raids.
I did say “quest name.”
I don’t know about better, but cata dungeons were enjoyable; especially during the ZA/ZG revamp patch, what a blast I had in that patch and in those dungeons.
And while your Cata does scare me the most in regard to any version of WoW giving my Lich a run for its money, I’m gonna tell you why at the end of the day Lich will win out.
Talents. The Cata talent system is the first major wrench thrown into what was/is the pre-Cataclysm talent system. For me, the pre-Cataclysm talent system is what returned me to Warcraft in the first place with Classic’s launch. They’re just better; for me.
the old world landscape. I’m not digging on the Cataclysmic landscape. I thought the flooding of Needles and thunder canyon and that big whirlpool thing of the coast of the kingdoms was cool and all, but the old classic landscape just has a special place for all of us warcraft players. Eroding it with the pre-Cata pre-patch destroyed something that we longed for over the next ten years.
In hindsight…
Pre-cataclysm WoW should have been retained the moment Cata patch went live. They refused to do then what they only ended up doing anyways ten years later; and in those ten years much was lost with people quitting over the changes that took place over time.
I think those 2 raids are very good but are the only good raids in WOTLK and individually they are better than Cata raids, however overall Cata has better raids in my opinion.
Wotlk raids were lazy, 3 1 boss raids and 2 of the raids were just redone raids we already did.
Firelands was fire, Dragon Soul was good…overall I think the Cata raids as a group outshine wotlk raids.
Firelands was one of the best raids of all time, and S10 Ruthless season was one of the best and most balanced PVP seasons of all time.
no kap
Safe to say, no one is going to be playing this game after Wrath ends anyway. This game is about to run it’s course finally
Half of dragonsoul was set in a Wrath zone…
Naxx is literally the same raid, Ony is literally the same raid.
Dragon soul is not the same raid as a wotlk raid.
I mean, kinda is lol
I’m not asking for it now and I’m not asking to skip anything
Was just simply comparing the two and how I think Cata will be better
But MoP Classic will be the GOAT.
LFR no thanks.
We already got pug raids in TBCC doing LFR type stuff. Just because there isn’t a button doesn’t mean people aren’t already pug facerolling gruuls etc.
Yeah and I’m just laughing how very early in classic ppl wanted tbc so bad… then wotlk chatter started up a ton in like p1 tbc, now we’ve already moved onto cata chat lol.
Just funny how nobody is ever content