Cata Classic nerfs? Word of Glory concerns

I feel like Ret is in a good spot. Very threatening, very strong, and yet, a lot of counterplay too. Basically the definition of where you wanna be at.

As for the magnifying lense on Wog, i don’t get the hype. It’s strong when you are blazing Wings and Oldguy (and trinket), but outside those boosts, i personally can’t really Wog a teammate for over 35k, maybe 40k tops??? On a cooldown and costing all my combo points, i dunno if I’d call that OP. It takes a while to get those 3 combo points.

If anything, the issue would be that Crusader Strike is about as strong as TV. Or at least it feels that way.

With the strength of feral and ret, it would just be easier to simply buff enhancement shamans and accept that hybrids are allowed to be strong, rather than nerf the aforementioned specs. Maelstrom weapon doesn’t compare to instant clone/80k wogs lol.

exactly, poor design. TV needs to be buffed and wog corrected. not you, but all of the ppl against my post are the reason why retail arena became the horrible pvp it is (quite literally). what this does, is it creates homogenizations and every1 gets a bubble, wall, wog etc. instead of tuning wog, they gave every class a wog. then ppl complained about block bubble deter, so then every1 got a bubble.

retail is the product of cata + mop’s poor tuning/designs. instead of tuning broken abilities, blizz gave every1 it. you can see this in current retail with them making retail arena turned into mythic + fiesta. we need TUNING

Wog doesn’t need to be tuned and no one else needs wog. There ya go

well good bc whatever you say or opinion you have, mop → DF still releases and gives it :rofl:

WoG has a 10 second CD, and requires 3 holy power to be effective. 1-2 HP WoGs heal for peanuts. The ret has to hit someone (Crusader Strike) to build said holy power, so between CCs, being locked down as the kill target, or outright dodged/parried even with 20%+ expertise that 10 second CD becomes a 15-18 second CD in reality, and in high burst opener games the Ret often times doesn’t even get to build 3 HP by the time he needs it.

Everything about ret that makes it viable has counterplay.

Wings? Purge / Spellsteal / CC.
Utility like BoP / Sac / Freedom? Purge.
Bubble? Mass Dispel / Shattering Throw
Full heal WoG crits on teammates? Focus the Ret (WoG heals 50% more when cast on other players), CC him during your go on his partner, or stack so much Necrotic Strike that it doesn’t even matter.

We can agree that WoG is a crutch, but nerfing it immediately kills Ret viability and Rets aren’t even dominating the ladder in the BEST season for them.

Numerically, TV is far superior. You just don’t that on details breakdowns at the end of games because Rets have to press WoG basically on CD and you press CS 3x as much as TV even if you could use all your holy power on TV. If WoG wasn’t in the game or didn’t cost holy power, TV would be 30-40% of our dmg profile

I just checked and there are only 7 Rets in the top 100 players right now.

Solid representation, but definitely not overpowered or there would be more of them or perhaps it’s just a skill issue because the spec isn’t as faceroll as people make it out to be

just use ironforge its working as normal now. idk its just kinda weird a multi r1 rog main is playing ret at #1 instead of rogue. im also a pally main, have been playing it since 2005 on and off. somehow i decided to go w something else this run. but im in the process of going back to pally. maybe i should delete this post incase it does catch a nerf :rofl: