Cata Classic nerfs? Word of Glory concerns

Ret Paladin was considered the most difficult to rank in this tier list, and despite being one of the last specs in Medium tier, it could be considered a Hard melee to play.

you really going off skillcapped? says all i need to know. top 50 in 3v3 currently is ret and rogues with the #1 3s player as a ret pally. trill also doesn’t play ret. he mains rog and ww. kinda weird how a cracked rog main is playing ret instead of rog

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Deus vult.

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A company that literally makes its money by being at least somewhat accurate when it comes to PVP in WoW? Hmm…

I haven’t been playing Paladin at all, so don’t have a first-hand perspective, but have played some 2s with Ret and have obviously faced Ret. It’s one of a couple of specs I should probably spend some time to understand better, and duel more, particularly on hunter.

It doesn’t seem like it’s particularly overtuned, but there are some really great comps with Ret right now.


This thread is cooked. OP is correct in almost every single thing hes said.

I don’t think modern devs should be touching decade old game balance, but WoG on ret is extremely strong and single handedly the reason triple dps works so well currently.

Abombshield is the worst pvper that uses the forums so you can safely ignore every single word out of his mouth.

The others seem to be commenting in good faith, but are just wrong. WoG during rets burst is when its a problem because they can dump 3hp wogs back to back to back and if done to someone at low hp crits 80k+ which is effectively a spammable lay on hands until zelotry falls off.

Denying uptime so they cant crusader or cross cc on ret like its a mf healer is the counter. Personality we just kill rets so his wogs dont get the 20% bonus and use cc on the actual healer.

As far as nerfs that have happened im not aware of the feral one, but hunters absolutely have been nerfed by not being able to summon 4x monkeys to chain roar of sacrifice. Effectively denying crits the entire game which hard counters a few classes. That being gone is a nerf to every hunter team.


Who do you pvp on Thugatron? And what bracket? I assume under 1600?

EDIT: Re-reading that, it came off pretty mean, and that was not my intent so let me clarify why I’m asking.

The reason I’m asking is because the 1500ish to 1650ish bracket of pvp, specifically 3’s seems to be infested with rets. And yes… they are really good in those average to slightly above average players (This is also where I myself land in my ratings).

The reason the hurd thins so much for rets above that, is skilled players know how to counter them pretty easily.

So if you’re in the 1500-1650 bracket, and based on your reply I kind of assume you are, then that’s why you have the views you do.

Yall are children i smoke pallies 90% of the time on mage and hunter…literally go through them like butter keep crying thiugh

Cata Arena never was my friend, it never was.

Literally the only people back in the day that pretended it was so were those who benefited from it… The only time when Arena was “reasonably” balanced was the patch 5.2 and patch 5.3 (mop) literally the rest of the time its been kinda bad due to poor class balancing.

In a vacuum I might be convinced that WoG is too strong. It’s not in a vacuum though. It’s not a rogue casting it. It’s not a mage blasting out huge WoG’s in the middle of battle. It’s a paladin.

Ret’s have scrapped and clawed their way through WoW history to become… kinda meh. So the question isn’t whether or not WoG needs a nerf it’s whether or not paladins do. I think you will find it difficult to find a lot of support for nerfing paladins.


Tbf we’ve been shopping for healers, havent pushed anything yet on this character so i get your point, but we played SpM 2600 most of wotlk.

I pointed out its entirely counterable by denying him uptime or cross cc while killing his partner, however wog is a very strong ability when unchecked under zelotry, tough for any actual healer to match the hps in that window.

I dont think it should be nerfed or removed, just that you guys completely underplay the power of that single button compared to any other hybrid healing. It’s entirely the reason triple dps functions so well without a healer. I think i was pretty fair & accurate in both my comments lol.

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I was wondering how long it would take for someone with no actual pvp experience to complain about ret being “op” under 1500 rating. Longer than I expected tbh. Bravo.

So remove a fundamental piece of a classes toolkit and they become far less viable? That’s crazy

@thugatron if you nerfed wog I think ret would fall into irrelevance so not sure what you could really fix about it. I personally don’t think it’s that bad. I do agree it’s the backbone of triple DPS for sure. Maybe selfless healer could get adjusted down a little.

Yeah i dont think anything should be done about it. Its fine, its just what makes ret good/viable currently


We are playing

They probably mean nerfed from what it was at 4.0.
i remember original CATA…feral bleeds were NUTS. they are nuts now lol. imagine being like 2x as strong. ferals would just sneak up world pvp drop the bleeds in about 3 globals and run away…and watch the HK pop up lol


Oh this is an arena post lol who cares

Arena is fun too :slight_smile:

It’s plainly obvious you haven’t played Ret in arena in cata lmao

Outside of zealotry casting WOG hamstrings dmg output considerably, unless you get lucky with procs

Don’t let the ret get crusader strike off outside zealotry (better yet, during) and it’s an ez kill

I briefly had a feral twink in cata that I’d just destroy people with bleeds it was insane

Arena is the only true endgame in WoW

RMP player detected, opinion discarded.