Cata Classic nerfs? Word of Glory concerns

Genuinely curious how feral bleeds got nerfed and hunters, along with some other class nerfs. Yet, we got ret pallies wogging for 70k+ on themselves and 90k+ (potentially) more, on teammates. I am anti-nerfing but this crap needs proper tuning. There’s almost never a time where a ret would TV. Wog is just superior. This is borderline pserv gameplay. Arena is suppose to be a Comp+skill match up.

Ngl reading this post really hurt my brain.


I bet you did sir. You would need at least 1550 xp to comprehend entry lvl pvp terms/understandings lol. Or you just play the class/spec and are crying about potential nerfs to the overturning and that’s expected.

It’s also frowned upon to have biases if you have low xp.

Idk about you but I actually have been multi glad and r1 but ok.
You are complaining about balance in PvP on a xpac that you entered knowing what the meta was and how things worked, I could understand if ret was the #1 class/spec but it’s not, ret wog is also not even the most broken thing in Cata either which is what I find funny.

if you have any xp then you would understand that wog is stupid and zero skill for how strong it is. ya rets not #1 but that doesn’t mean it deserves a skill-less overpowered crutch.

another thing to take into consideration when playing re-released metas, is that this game has a magnitude of changes, its not OG, if it was OG then i wouldnt give af. but its not. and they have alrdy changed/hot fixed other broken specs. knowing that this re-release DOES have changes/nerfs this means it is open and okay to balance and tune appropriately.

it just seems youre upset that someone is cherry picking something you play which i completely understand. but if something is broke, it should be addressed. remember convoke and divine toll? chessy skill-less stuff isn’t competitive or fun. Wog is one of them

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WoG is a non issue in arena pvp. If you can’t plan your burst and killshot around a long healing cooldown, I don’t know what to tell you.

There are like 8 ret pallies in the top 100 in 2’s, and 6 in 3’s and 4 of them are the same person.


I don’t play ret and nor do I care to ever play it in arena.
I honestly don’t see wog being that crazy, you generally want cross CC going when going for kills instead of just one CC on healer and hoping for a kill, if you can’t achieve that then that’s on you.

This plus not to mention RLS and RMP and many other spell cleaves give ret a very hard time.
I cannot tell you the amount of times I have seen cdew mes and trill lose to random RLS or RMP teams because the ret literally cannot play the game and even if he gets a big WOG off it still is not enough to keep someone immortal.

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cdew mes and tril won 2/3 in finals as rsham dk rog. all im saying is idk how you guys don’t think that 1 of the highest burst arena classes has the most broken heal in the game. it legit heals like 70%+ hp every 10sec. in the 1900 mmr currently, most rets are out healing their healers. its horrible design. and even in 2v2s (which ultimately doesn’t matter in my opinion) rets are insane

keep in mind, ret is actually the #1 currently in 3v3s btw so ig everything we just talked about goes out the window right?

wog is broken, you cannot argue this. i really do not understand how yall don’t see it. insta healing 70-90ks every 10sec is absolutely skill-less and no different than zugging and pressing divine toll or convoke 1 shotting ppl to r1. anyone w/ 2kxp could play ret every day for the next 3 months and get glad/r1

i have had 3k xp in dif wow versions and have irls who have been 3k+ every season for the past 3 retail xpacks and they all play cata and agree how broken wog is. 1 of them is even playing ret rn and is 2.3 in 3s and he only logs on to get his cap lmao

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Trust me Word of Glory is no ones concern.

Next topic.

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lol so preventing 1-2min burst CD goes with a 10sec instant cast @ 40yards isnt a concern. gotcha :rofl:

imagine having to trade a 10sec wog for a 1min dance or 2min other class burst window. im choking rn

kinda insane that every other hybrid doesn’t have hybrid healing yet ret has lay on hands every 10sec. Wog would be 100% fine if ferals/boomies/ele/enhance etc could blast heal their team as well.

likes its legit mind blowing how 10sec 0mana instant cast wog heals 3-4x more than a fully casted 6 sec tranquility (AOE entire group) but has 8min cd and has to stand still casting+interruptable. like man i could just keep going. yall are just noobs. idk why i even have to explain this crap to ya its hilarious.

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Wog is definitely strong but usually you go ret for that reason. Outside of zealotry and lucky procs they can only realistically wog every 13.5seconds as they need to get 3 holy power to do it which is still pretty quick I suppose. I never rly felt it was broken OP imo just rly strong.


Wait… they nerfed classes? Have a link? I dont see those notes anywhere.

no thank you


This isn’t reality so Word of Gory is no ones concern.

Seriously WoG? It’s an okay ability in a sea of okay abilities. If you made a Top 50 strongest abilities list. WoG wouldn’t make it.

Wild the things people complain about and never thought I’d see a WoG thread :rofl:

Next topic.

When? Anyone got a link?


My kitty bleeds are still as OP as ever. Not sure what this guys on about.


8 second fears not breaking with full dots on you or dying in a DB combust because dots damage does not break DB or the fact that Ring of Frost is a separate DR than their nova, or how Clone its own DR feels like the most frustrating Cata arena scenarios.

WoG is fine.

Whats funny is he mentions kitty bleed nerfs… and they are literally the most OP thing in pvp right now :man_shrugging:

remove wog entirely and there wouldn’t be a single ret above 2k on the last week of the season lmao i bet in wotlkC you thought preg wasn’t op either. if youre gonna argue about pvp balance at least argue how/why wog isn’t a problem or op. you saying it isnt bc u said it isnt hold zero value. i hope you support irl work/problems with adequate substance

things like ret shouldnt be op bc its arguably the easiest class to play arena as. the skill ceiling is touching the floor. things like frost mage, sub rog, hunt, feral etc should be stronger bc they all have higher skill ceilings. ret is a joke anyone could hit glad w/ it in cata. i have an irl that is a multi 3k+ xp healer on retail and hes in the top 300 rn as a first time dmg player.

go check the ladder. its infested with rets and im sure theres going to be a ton of first time glad players this season and theyll all be ret players :rofl:

clone DR = MC/scatter/clone/DB

CC abilities that are on its OWN DR = impact stun