Cata Classic LW Question/Vicious Dragonscale patterns

I leveled to 85 in Cata Classic then stopped playing it, until recently. I have max level 525 leatherworking and all the mats needed, but after buying a Vicious Dragonscale pattern, it says “The spell is not available to you”.

I played through this before, so feeling rather dumb, am I missing a prerequisite or something? Any help would be appreciated.

Try resetting the WoW User Interface

Keep in mind, this is not the same as /reload ui or disabling addons.

Also, you can try and have a look through WoWHead to see if there is any aditional restrictions to the recipe or to craft…

Probable bug:

I’d add what you’re seeing to that one. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

Resetting the UI does nothing. I’ve add a post to people already experiencing the probable bug. Tried again today, still not working.