Cata Beta length

Pet bar is level locked until 10. It currently sometimes disappearing after level 10 is a bug.

You understand the difference between prepatch and the actual release of cata right? Prepatch is going to last at LEAST a month, prior to cata releasing, so thereā€™s no way in hell prepatch is dropping Aug 31st lol. Prepatch will most likely drop sometime in late May, with Cata coming out late June, early July.


Hopefully you quit, and we dont have to see you anymore.

YOU understand that the info came from blizzards own site right?

How about you actually read it? It doesnā€™t say:

at all.


Scroll to the bottom of the page dogā€¦

It literally says, and I QUOTE

" Available on or before August 31, 2024. Requires World of Warcraft Subscription or Game Time."

Sorry bout that reading comprehension you got there. Thanks for reminding me to put you on ignore :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

P.S. Too late to reply. You blocked now :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thatā€™s also the expansion, but it seems like you do not know what a pre-patch is:

So, uhh, yeahā€¦




I see you there, 79 twink mage. You going 84?

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Important words should not be overlooked. Also, look at the roadmap for WoW they put out, clearly shows late spring = prepatch and early summer = cata. Would make complete sense if prepatch was may/june and cata was june/july.

HUH? Is this an attempt at a complete sentence?

Strongly considering it, fellow Atiesh twink. You?

Ye first thing Iā€™m doing! 84 orc BM hunter and 84 sin human rogue.

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Yo gnome, for retail it says December 2024. Is summer 2024 now considered December?
The dates are for legal reasons there.

/salute :dagger:

May thy blade chip and shatter!

do i hear something about twinking?

unsure what class to do for the 84 bracket. Thinking ele sham at the moment. Might keep this warrior 79. Wanna know if the bracket will be 75-79 or 70-79 though! Will be dead if former.

Show me ANYWHERE in that little link of yours that states ā€œPRE-PATCH will release on or before 8/31/24ā€

lmao I love it when clowns double down on their cluelessness.

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Why are people obsessing over this Aug 31st date? It just means thatā€™s the latest it might launch.

And even that is no guarantee. If it gets pushed, what are you going to doā€¦.sue? :rofl:

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I would usually say late May to early July with June being the sweet spot in timing. But when I look at the current state of the Beta I kinda thing that August date is looking more and more likely because they have to not only test all the new zones Cata brings in for the expansion but also all the 1-60 zones and let me tell youā€¦ its a hot messā€¦

Actually nm. It seems the pserver crowd has discovered that lvl 81 achieves the highest mastery scaling. So Iā€™ll try that first. Thatā€™s also way easier and faster too!

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