No competition on these servers. I rip apart every battlegrounds I join. y’all need to step up your game up. Try me
What will you say about the imbalance in Wintergrasp and Tol Barad?
100 vs 100? Did Blizzard think that the horde mostly does pvp? or were the servers going to increase like the first time WoW Classic appeared before the old expansion? Does it? For 100 vs 7 it has NO BALANCE, and makes it just ONE ONLY WINNER FACTION.
Are they going to fix it? Are they going to fix it? No, right? LAZY… with HC, SoD and a half-assed retail that barely has any hype, do they care.
MoP classic is coming and if they don’t dedicate themselves to fixing the problems on any server regardless of how important it is or not, I don’t think they have confidence in RESPECTING THE ROOTS OF THE CLASSIC EXPANSIONS.
Lmao maybe try queing arena if you want competition instead of spamming bgs in max gear
Fun little rating to identify your skill level and elite transmog and new weapon not motivation enough to learn the game? Easier to bg stomp noobs, I get it. Coming on here to brag about it though
Not seen you around kiddo… hopefully I run into you soon if your Qing
No ty, pvp in classic is unfun and cringe. GJ killing what is most likely 90% bots though
Duelist on this toon. You’ll run into me as soon as you que for actual rated pvp & not stomping green geared people in bgs lol
Don’t be scared.
Trolling on top of being turrible low rated rat. Despicable combo only a mother could love. GL
How could they not control the situation with the Bots? To the point that they became a mafia network that even sends you death threads if you sabotage them, as happened to that youtuber.
Now it is impossible to do anything, it is already impossible and the worst of all is that Blizzard is involved in this mess supporting them while ruining the real experience of the video game, how cringe.
I Q rated with people in green and blues to gear them. I don’t q to push I already did all that years ago.
Now get your little duelist title homie to Q bgs against me and whoever else you know and I promise I’ll make you get that 30 min deserter .
This goes for anyone 3k+ xp , streamer, noobs that want to try me come get it. Just let me know who it is so I can get a good laugh when I target you constantly. I don’t Q with groups and farm I do it alone so if someone heals me it’s because they know what there doing to get a W.
Lmao where does all this delusional confidence stem from?
Like “I kant do da arenaz but im gud”
Your bg win/loss ratio must go hard bro
Why not? If its so simple why not do it? Like end of season after gearing all your green geared friends.
You have that new shadowbolt trinket? Thing goes craaazy
You don’t actually pvp, do you?
Deserter is only 15 mins.
I mean at this point your just talking it’s either your about it or your not .
I was expecting a let’s do it from someone that’s flexing a duelist title.
I didn’t know you do rated pvp and scared to do regular easy random BGs…
You can move along.
Good thread.
I’ve healed just about every ally that BGs regularly. Not sure if I recognize your name sir. But I think I like your style.
Go Back To Retail!
Damn ppl in this thread really are scared of a human male mage
All i do is raid, no bots there
I’m on now let’s get it! Who wants the smoke! Q up!
just think i hate bgs so much that my toons on classic dont even bother with them and yet in mist i will be force to go in a few to get the stupid cloak
I don’t see any of y’all talking playing…