Cata battlegrounds

He hides behind his arena because arena isn’t a fair competition to begin with.

Please don’t come back to TBC.

:rofl: I’m really out there pvping while everyone in the threat got a lot to say but don’t even Q or even online to begin with.
That thugaflop had alot fo get off his chest and admits he didn’t even Q
Only pvp guild I see I target everytime is “On Another Level” I enjoy when they are on the opposite side of the BG and give them that work.

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You are queing casual game mode that has literally zero weight on skill. You bg stomp ppl in greens and then come to forums to brag about it :joy:

I first told you to que arena, you know the rated pvp that actually has a skill bracket built into it. You can come do actual pvp if you want smoke. Why would anyone with self respect que bgs once full geared and avoid arena?

If you have full gear and wont do arena whats wrong with you? Its clearly a skill issue that forced you out of the bracket. Well no fun to be had there getting stomped in arena and hardstuck 1500.

You’re like a high school team talking smack to a D1 state champ team. It makes zero sense. Come to D1 if you think you’re better??? Hint, this is impossible because you’re terrible and you wont address it. Watch lmao. “Oh arena? no, no, come do bgs against me and a team of levelers” :joy::joy: clown

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R11 on fresh, get ready for tbc glad

Also why would you play tbc? Just to cry about not being able to get the pvp gear the entire time again?
“Oh i cant get any of the arena gear thru arena cause im dog brained, why cant i just bg for full bis!?” Lmao the great wafectus

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this man is a CHAD

a LEGEND in the battlegrounds

you que into this man, you might as well leave the game

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highest title earned challenger LMAO brags about wrecking nublets in non rated bgs

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So you’re telling me you get a duelist title and AFK in main city?
I mean when you queue up with people that just boosted what do you expect?
I mean if you want to go that route I guess I could get a healer and we could war games each other ?
There are definitely full geared people that run pre-mades , arena masters and curious why your on the thread of im talking battlegrounds and you brought up arenas. You already won’t Q random BGs Sunday we can do wargames Mr skip now dont back out of that now duelist lol.

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What a stupid question to ask.

You mean you recognize that arena isn’t a fair platform to begin with? Got it. :+1:

Please do… answer that question… I’ll bet that you don’t have the critical thinking to come up with a valid point.

So then dont be paranoid to Q random against me Willis. You and your plastic cup boy guildies Q up randoms when I’m on and watch me 1vs2-3 you guys

Unoriginal, typical boring “human mage who PVPs” personality type. We get it, you have two trinket slots and went fire. yawn.

This is some maximum cringe post even by 2010 standards when this pvp was relevant.


Seems like most of y’all express your feelings towards PVPers then go back to your PVE life until someone else talks about it.
None of y’all even Q
Where are the people that actually Q? Not the ones that just want to talk they got apps for people that want to talk.

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They’re the same ones with the “let them win” attitude when things get a little hairy.

They don’t have the stomach for a long, drawn-out battle…

The so called PvPers they claim to be.

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