Cat girls?

I’ve not read any post in this thread so apologies if it’s been said but FFXIV had cat girls.

Not one person has posted a white cat meme picture. I’m impressed.

Don’t you mean cat G.I.R.Ls?

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How do you know the ones we encountered weren’t the females? Maybe they’re like angler fish and we just didn’t notice the males.

Good point. But they’re mammals, they do usually have differences when anthrop…thingied.

Sethrak and Tortogans however, they don’t seem to have much differences, other than voice.

I like cat-people. I used them in D&D when I was running games, played one in EQ, always wished we’d get some cats in this piece.

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oh my god that art!!!


I’ve always wanted to see a anthro nightsabre or maybe some more of the tolvir screw the mounts make them have like a cursed form like Worgen and a four legs running wild or something.

That would be pretty fun, but how would armor work on them? I imagine they’d need custom models for every piece and that’s an insane amount of work for the art team.

Same like mechagnomes. just not visible on the legs.

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You make a good point. I forgot about those.

I’m positive this is why they made the mechagnomes. to experiment with the customisation features. (how to do it, coding wise, but also how the public would take it)
Yes, people complained about the lack of sleeves and pants. but the majority will either just ignore them and not play them, or accept the challenge to make a mog out of it.

I think it opens up a lot of future options.

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I agree with saberon, but they are Alliance all the way!

Horde will get Alonsus Faol: The Allied Race.

But think of the cat and dog fights!

No problem there :grin:!

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But the stereotype is more ‘fun’ in a war world?

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If cat people were horde and fish went alliance…lol omg the anger over two great furry races going horde and alliance have carp people.


You make a valid point. Alliance NEEDS catgirls to save them!

Playable Kitsune in WoW… I want, I really do. Heavens know what faction though.

They would probably have to be both factions like pandas. Or their own faction. The BEST faction.