Cat girls?

Depends on if the female cat girls would be more like beastly saberon or female werelions, or female furry catpeople like chatr and mtg/khajitt, or just normal humans or belves but with cat tail and accessories possibly four ears too.

If we are going to have fish people I want them to look and sound like these guys.


Is this thread’s objective to kill the last spark of humanity residing within me?


You all have issues. We don’t need “cat people”.


you forgot the goat people… lol

but yes I concur some cat races are due!! I’m pretty sure we’ll have snake people soon so why not cat people?

And Bunny girls too! And dragon girls…

The more “savage” cat people, the Hrothgar, are male only though. Viera (bunnies) are female only as well, so it balances out.

I always knew the furry community was a big one with them lurking around every corner.

That’s just a rip off of Katt from BoF.

I think if they added cat people, they would look like that new Cats movie

High questionable acts already take place there. This would just increase the volume…

Saberons would be a good addition to the game.


This is why I vote for a partially new rig based on draenei rig, compared to recycling the worgen rig. More sass.

Kitsune are where it’s at. Who wouldn’t want to snuggle all those floofy tails?


A grizzled retired Command Sergeant-Major of the Orc Horde puts down the paper and stares in disgust at the article he just read.

His mind goes back thirty years to the incident that started it all…

“Sergeant, me hungry.”
They had been out of supplies and holding this flank of the Blackrock line for weeks now, fending off probes and patrols from the Humans all the while listening to the sounds of battle as the main army group was pushed further and further back to Blackrock Spire.
“Skullsmasha, I told you, we’re out of supplies, and talk like a normal Orc, you’re not some peon from the sticks of Draenor.”
“But… Sarge… hungry.”
“If you’re that hungry, then just eat a rock for all I care!” the Sergeant growled.

Unfortunately it was at that moment that a Goblin, a Mercenary and hired as part of a force multiplier and morale improvement project, came up to the line with a device for capturing images, and recorded forever an image of Skullsmasha trying to eat a rock, while his Sergeant yelled and screamed at him for actually trying to eat a rock. Forced into a hasty withdrawal from their position several hours later when the central line broke, the camera, and its film were left behind and forgotten. It was later captured by advancing Alliance forces, and used for propaganda for decades since.


I’m a big fan of “whosagudboi” and “whosagudgirl”.

And you summon them with the infamous Pspspspspsps



I want sloth-girls. Either of the 2 or 3 toed variety.

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I was under the impression he hired Goblins who made those machines.

I’m totally in support!

Also acceptable.


Dwarf females are already in the game.

Not that you’ll every see one, but they’re there.
