Casuals should dictate phase rollouts, not hardcores

I’ll take a hard guess, and say you didn’t play EQ on release. EQ just took what was before it, like WoW did, and made its own version of it, like all other games did, and still do. Just like people thinking that Battle Royal is a new concept, which it isn’t.

Instead of comparing vanilla with EQ, you should compare it with the other wow iterations. Otherwise, we may as well go as far back and begin holding RPG’s up against MUD’s (which EQ funnily enough, is inspired from)

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It’s entirely fair to compare games that are in the same genre to one another when talking about elements they have in common. And by and large WoW was always the easy mode casual friendly MMO compared to EQ.

That was by design and something that the creators specifically promoted.


nu uh, WoW was the hardest MMO I have ever done, and I have done just WoW.


LOL! Stud… THat’s why you’re awesome. :slight_smile:

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Yeah, but do they play like the same? Do EQ play the same as a MUD which it is inspired from? No they don’t. They have a common ancestry in RPG, and while WoW was inspired from it, it plays and looks nothing like EQ.

Even so, WoW has always been touted as the MMO that “even your grandma could pick up and play”.

WoW is the Wii of MMOs. The game for everyone. It always has been.

I’d be happy with a straight 1.12 release, all content immediately, and I’d play that for years.

No way. They’d be farming MC and dungeons to get as much BiS gear for world first BWL.

And who would be touting that then? Who cares about what marketing says, or some fans of another products says? But if that really was the case, that the game was so easy that even a grandma could play it, does that mean, that all the players who didn’t see Naxx was just bad players? What’s the criteria for being hardcore? EQ certainly wasn’t hardcore in my view, just time-consuming (and for the record, I don’t view any wow iteration as hardcore either)

I doubt they’ll have to figure any of that into it. They’ll see people logging in less, viola new phase. Unless it’s something crazy like 6 months between phases or something.

That’s what I would do anyway.

Can you add anything to a post withou being completely toxic?

LOL! Sorry that the truth hits you so close to home.

Well of course, but Grandma was hardcore like no one else, you know its true.

I’ll be honest , i did not even look at what you were responding too,lol

Don’t you tell me what I am ! wait…oh thanks that is a very nice thing to say!

Typical. Hopefully one day you realize you’re the issue

Ghostcrawler said those words, then me pushed me down and made me eat a dill pickle.

Easy to pick up , hard to master is pretty good, but ‘hard’ is really not that bad, there are limits on that


It would be very impressive if a guild managed to really do that. Second week? Rag will die on a bunch of servers though.

So long as there is at least a year b4 naxx patch and reset servers/tbc, ill be happy…but yes slower is better.

However if you listen to what the dev team has said so far, they are wanting classic to be as close to the game back in 2004 as possible. Therefore it would make sense for that to be their plan, as of now anyway.

Likely they’ll get bored when they realise that they do have to do the dungeon more than 3 times to get fully geared.

Well, I can only speak for myself. I enjoy the world first race, but I’ve never been part of a world first kill. Even so, I’m still going to be farming up what’s available in Phase 1 and 2 before BWL comes out, even if I don’t get world first.

They’ve got the blueprint timeline of what Vanilla did in unrolling this content. I don’t see a reason to not use that same timeline for Classic.

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