Casuals should dictate phase rollouts, not hardcores

No offense intended but I very much disagree. They had the casual player in mind when they decided to cut 40 man raiding, they had the casual player in mind when they gave us access to 300% speed flying mounts, they had the casual player in mind for LFG & LFR. They had the casual player in mind when they cut the honor system, they had the casual player in mind when they started giving epics out for doing quests. They also had the casual player in mind when they made raids have 3 different difficulty’s. They had casuals in mind when they added crossrealm technology. Look what catering to the casual got us.

Why is it an issue that players have access to BWL, ZG, AQ or Naxx when you’re still in MC, this isn’t BFA, where only the current content matters. And everything else is obsolete. This is classic where every single dungeon and raid is relevant throughout the course of the game.

-Sinclaire -Torch-