Casual vs 1% should stop

Most of the M+ complaints I saw were from mythic raiders who said M+ should never be able to come close to mythic raid loot. I’m not saying they don’t have a valid argument but just responding to the question of whether the 1% cared about what the 99% were doing.

I literally never saw those posts. I saw a bunch of people say “M+ is too lucrative, it’s the only good way to gear up, please nerf!” from casuals.

Most Mythic raiders enjoy M+ and how it serves them early on to quickly gear up after their full heroic clear of the week.

That makes no sense. Casuals should ask for more ways they could gear up, not ways to nerf others from gearing up.

Not sure why OP was flagged :rofl:

I know it’s insane, but that’s what I saw. People felt “forced to do M+ to gear up”. Not that gearing up to 465s through Mythic+ was anything actually viable without full stack paid carries, but logic wasn’t their thing.

People use the flag as a “I disagree” button.

Seems like it.

They kind of were. Heroic content was tuned in such a way that more casual groups had to get m+ to progress. Groups that had no real problem in Legion heroic were suddenly struggling in BfA Heroic until they got M+ and new essences and whatever.

Heroic content was tuned super easy in Ny’alotha, and only made easier by corruption.

Our first Heroic N’zoth kill with no corruption on week 1, our raid ilvl average was 454. :man_shrugging:

You’re clearly not a true “casual” then, because I’ve been in true casual guild runs where it takes 10 attempts to down Vexiona.

You’re more of what would be called a “power player” Which is in-between casual and hardcore.

Ok, that doesn’t make the content hard at all. Nor would those folks be mass clearing 14s and 15s for 465s anyway.

They don’t have to mass clear them. They just have to finish and they can get a big piece of gear in their reward chest at the end of the week.

We’ve already established the end of week chest is not changing at all though… That’s not what got nerfed.

No I have never seen a post by an elites who wants no lfr or thinks M+ should not have people who are trying get into it aka complain about pug groups, blah blah blah blah something my oi score blah blah BS.
Nice glass house.

I know and that’s what the real casuals use to gear up. They run the one mythic per week and sometimes they clear it and sometimes they don’t and they bounce around between M 14 and M 11 depending on what keys they get and gear up over several weeks.

Yeah, and yet they were the ones calling to nerf the end of dungeon chest, because “M+ is the only valid gearing path now”, when Raids are actually much easier to gear through, just because of the insane RNG and difficulty involved in running M+ 14s and 15s when you’re 454.

No one I know was asking for it. What did they ask to replace it with? Who are these alleged people?

No one I know was asking for it either, but I saw a bunch of GD posts, mostly from Heroic raiders and PvPers, saying as much.

Its my personal opinion that the players could overlap, but the characters shouldn’t. I think of DnD as the RPG model. Your character power decisions are all a part of your character. You don’t swap them out. If your character is a pit fighter, he’s different than a soldier even if they are the same class. He’s more powerful in an arena, but significantly weaker in a battlefield. That’s OK. That’s interesting. Thats character identity.

I also understand that isn’t wow, but I am excited whenever I see development efforts to move in that direction.

This is actually anti-RPG. An open world RPG shouldn’t make a distinction about a different faction’s player, a Bandit king in his lair, and the Demon realms where the Demon-God lives. A sword is a sword is a sword that should slay all 3.

This sounds more like you want to play a FPS shooter with different game modes you access through a lobby than an open world RPG.

DnD is very open ended, you can play DnD without any actual leveling or experience. It’s right there in the Dungeon Master’s guide. They also warn about campaigns with too much player power.

And we have that in WoW : Classes. No one is asking for a Death Knight to be able to use Greater Pyroblast here.

You’re right dude. My personal preference is wrong. My bad.