Casual Players have no chance with this expansion

Hunter is really, really fun in Battlegrounds right now.

Youā€™re old like meā€¦ what used to be an open world exploration feels more like a theme park that shushes you along specific paths. Before you could fall off to your death on a cliff and now thereā€™s safety rails there to keep you from jumping off a lot of times.

Now a days however since Activision has asserted itself over Blizzard the development isnā€™t the same as it used to be. Shadowlands like all the others before it up to WoD are really the same expansion reskinned over and over again. Itā€™s why people burn out so quickly. Oh well.


I doubt folks are paying a sub fee to play one hour a day. Thatā€™s a huge waste of money

I am going to reply with another players post because it sums up how a lot of us feel:

Thats the real problem, nothing makes me want to keep myself logged in. i do my daily ā€œchoresā€ and thats it. It doesnt seem worth it to pay for this every month from my perspective.

Its really not that simple.

Every product has a saturation rate. Every product needs a solid core of users to be worthwhile. Diluting what attracted these costumers in an attempt to branch out rarely works, if ever. And in the rare cases it does its only a temporary win.

That was a big trend during pretty much the entirety of 2010ā€™s in marketing and if you notice, everyone is pretty much changing course now with so many big corps announcing how theyā€™re going back to basics and going to focus more on their ā€œcore audienceā€ etc.

A product that pleases everyone doesnā€™t exists.

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Well said.

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While some play 7 hours a dayā€¦ playing 7 hours a week should be more than ample time to progress and enjoy playing the game. Of course not be able to progress as much as the ā€œno lifersā€ but certainly enough to feel satisfaction and power increase.

That is truly the only real reason people play whether they admit it or not. If you cannot feel the progressionā€¦ then the game must be funā€¦ really fun.

WoW doesnā€™t offer much level of fun aloneā€¦ itā€™s the progress that is fun.


Everyone is doing the chore list though, thatā€™s kinda when thatā€™s done that you can actually have fun with the game. Try M+ (doesnā€™t need to be +20s, just a +3-4 is already a much different experience), try Normal Raiding, try casual battlegrounds or even arena.

Thatā€™s what i mean when i say you canā€™t please everyone. People have been asking for less chores for the entirety of BFA so they could have more time to have fun with the core of the game.

So how do you balance that out?

One other little thing I think contributes to the problem with WoW today is throw away expansions. You have a design going in since WoD where you build up something and then throw it completely away next expansion.

Before that you started out with a talent tree and used that to build out your character. Each expansion added to that tree and gave you a better sense of progression over all. That isnā€™t happening with the disposable legendaries and/or FOTEXP abilities. You are less satisfied with your overall growth as a character in the game cause growth gets tossed for the new shiny to raise money for the share holders in a more obvious way.


If youā€™re irresponsible and are having kids without the necessary income, sure.

I pay a in-home Nanny to entertain my kids on evenings Monday through Friday. If I wasnā€™t financial stable enough to afford that I probably wouldnā€™t be able to play games at all. Having 3 kids is no joke.

Donā€™t even need a nanny. I donā€™t have kids but plenty of my guild mates do, including the leadership.

Just a bit of planning with the significant other can go a long way.

My only problems right now are with the low loot drop rates and having fewer and fewer options for upgrades, and the story doesnā€™t seem important or engaging at this point.

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That would be fine if one population wasnā€™t significantly smaller than the other. A tiny fraction of players are more than casual.

This game cannot be sustained at a reasonable quality on hardcore players alone contrary to the views of a lot of forum dwellers.

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Iā€™m super casual, only have a few hours to play every week yet Iā€™m caught up with my covenant, Torghast & been starting to do M+(hate it cause itā€™s boring) at a slow rate & even got in to a few normal raids, but my issue is I apply during the night then have to leave after a bit because the doggo will pester me for attention.

I can see why this expansion could be bad for casuals, the drop rate for items in raids is just soā€¦stupid. But even with being casual and where Iā€™m at right now Iā€™m having fun. Though the thing I donā€™t want to do Iā€™m going to have to do & thatā€™s join a guild.

Casual is so vague though. Lets take one of my guild mates for example. Basically only logs in to do his dailies and raids due to his family/work life, doesnā€™t have alts, doesnā€™t pvp or farm (buys tokens for consumables, he can afford it). Heā€™s raiding Mythic with us on a 2 days/week 3 hours per raid night schedule. He plays basically 8 to 10 hours a week. Heā€™s having a blast with Shadowlands (Castle Nathria is really fun and having only to do a couple chores per week is a huge boon for players who mostly care about raiding).

Is he hardcore or casual in your book?

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The luckiest kids on the planet. Dads home but would rather play than spend time with his kids. Very sad.


If he always has played 8-10 hours a week including at launch? 8-10 hours a week devoted to any hobby is a pretty serious time commitment but heā€™s probably pretty close to being a casual.

If heā€™s consistently been someone who plays that much since launch and can do mythic raids then heā€™s an outlier. He plays with people who carry him in content his time commitment wouldnā€™t normally allow until heā€™s geared enough to be able to play less hours in a mythic raid.

See, some people who have to take care of children cant commit to M+, raiding, or PvP because they may be pulled away and have to drop group. Thats why i mostly played solo the last 6 1/2 years. For a player like me its easy to fall behind and always play catch up, i expect to be behind the entire expansion if i keep playing it.

When you have kids there is no ā€œme timeā€, parents who have ā€œme timeā€ cant handle their children and need a break or they will break. i work 50-60 hours a week, i pick up one of the kids, make dinner, read a book with the older one, then its bed time. Me time is when im at work and the time in between putting them to bed and falling asleep. Thats literally minutes, and i only sleep for 4 to 6 hours a night because of the aforementioned due to me having to wake up a 4am.

Parents are allowed to have some ā€œmeā€ time too.

And trust me, thereā€™s much worst scenarios.

But this is why people need to be careful with oversharing here or on social media, people will focus on the slightest details and use it to paint a full picture without having any context.

I play with them on weekends.

Sorry, try harder next time.

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