Casual Players have no chance with this expansion

Fortunately, I didn’t waste 5 mil on an AH dino mount, and started a month late, so I was able to buy some decent BOE gear on the AH. Currently at ilevel 192, which lets me complete kill stuff quests efficiently.

I never said they couldn’t have fun. I said don’t expect to keep up with the herd. The part of my post that you didn’t quote was:

The game can definitely be played at a super slow casual pace, but players who want to do it like that will have to plan for it so they can still get some kind of gear and power progression if they want it. Covenant sets and Tribute boxes are great for this actually. I got a 197 piece from a tribute chest that I almost equipped over my 200 raid piece.

ya not that much fun

The whole Borrowed Power thing really needs to just go away. It just creates a boom-or-bust design that does not feel satisfying whatsoever.

You know what made for satisfying gameplay? Becoming more powerful than you were before. Not being shoved into a hard reset just to get back to that same earlier power level.

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im just running down my paid time and taking a 6 month break. as time goes on they do dumb it down alot by making everything easier and faster as we get closer to next xpac. Most of the stuff people are trying to get now will be obsolete this time next year. So try something else for a while and come back to this later. No point busting yer butt least until flying is available.

Let’s be real. Warcraft is hurting. I think WOW is plenty casual friendly. Now, before I go any further, I’M a casual player. I don’t raid, I don’t even do dungeons, unless it’s old ones, that I can solo. I’ve played a LOT of other MMO’s and the complaint I hear OVER AND OVER from people is this, “WOW has a very toxic community.” I think the nature of the game lends to that in some ways. “You can’t raid with us unless you have a high enough gear score, you better have all the right add ons’ also, and if my add on says you aren’t pushing enough DPS, you’re getting kicked.” Look, I work 80-90 hours a week in the healthcare field. I find time to play, but I’m not going anywhere near a raid, or even a current dungeon. Some people can’t just PLAY. They want to COMPETE. I’m not here for that. I’m here to have a good time, and play a VIDEO GAME. This isn’t D&D. I don’t get mad that I can’t do endgame, but some people do. “Why grind for months, just to be told you don’t have enough gear, the right add on, or need to practice more.” Gatekeeping is big in this community. “Bro, if you haven’t been around since vanilla, you ain’t s**t.” Some of us just want to sit down and play a game, maybe put in some long hours on our day off, but we have lives, and I really wonder if some of these serious players have ever touched a member of the opposite sex, or if they even want to. At the end of the day, Azeroth is a fun place to be, but life comes first.


I’ve never heard anybody say anything remotely like that. But then again… I don’t pug.

Only for people who insist on pugging.

Join a guild. Make friends. It’s the tried-and-true path, yet so many players REFUSE to do it. And then they come and complain about their decision.

There are already multiple active threads about this, did you need to necro this one?

Just shows that the solutions from a year ago still hold true, now. Just like they’ve held true for 17 years.

It’s a public forum, right?

I belong to a guild. They know how I feel about raiding, and you can say “I’ve never seen that,” but it happens. Go to MMO boards for other games, and look at the reputation WOW has. The word “immature” comes up a LOT. LFR changed things for some people, but I remember how “great” vanilla was, when dudes would kick people because “your gear score just isn’t high enough.” Also, don’t pretend that DBM isn’t a thing, and that everyone isn’t silently judging everyone, and sometimes not so silently. I don’t PUG either. I love doing quests and playing in the open world. Not everyone plays the same. Not everyone wants to. That shouldn’t be a problem for others. Do what you do and move on.

Vanilla was a terrible game, I quit after hitting level 60 and went back to DAOC.

As for DBM… okay? I don’t use it, and when I did, I just turned everything off because it was annoying.

You may not be using it, but I’m sure others are, and they are judging. Trust and believe that. It sounds like you have a good group. that’s awesome. I have a D&D group that has been together for around thirty years, so sometimes, on D&D threads, I have a hard time reconciling with people who complain about "bad DM’s and “shi**y players.” I think that is what is going on right here. YOU have a great group. The last guild I was in wanted us to raid three times a week and would actually kick people for not showing up, for a whole week. That was fine when I was hurt and in a wheel chair. Once I got better, I went back to work. I have a few hours every day to knock out daily quests, work on content that needs finished, and look for the things I want for my character. I say this about D&D all the time, “there is no wrong way to play.” I feel like WOW should be the same way.

There are wrong ways to play though. They’re not objectively wrong, but playing a murder-hobo “chaotic neutral” character who constantly tries to derail the plot is probably going to make you very unpopular on tables that are more serious.

WoW isn’t any different. The guild you were playing with were obviously looking for more commitment than you were able to provide. They’re not wrong for doing so, but it makes you a bad match for their raid team.

The implication that always goes unsaid when people say “find a guild/friends to play with” is to find the right guild/friends to play with. There are absolutely guilds that don’t care if you only rock up to raid on the 5th Saturday of the month and Saturn is in Gatorade.

Though I’m not going to lie and say that finding those guilds are easy.

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Players should not have to work hard to find a guild that is minimally compatible. There is something very wrong with the game.

The higher your standards, the harder it will be.

Finding a guild that is minimally compatible for me would be damn near trivial. I have a schedule that works very well with most raid guilds and I have a clear understanding of what I want to to get out of a guild and what I need to do to for me to get that.

The only real unknown are the personalities within the guild and contrary to my name, I generally get along with most people.

But finding a guild for someone like the dude I was replying to who wants to have access to end-game on a highly irregular schedule without any sort of gatekeeping and that’s even before you factor in him needing to get along with said guild?

My mans looking for a unicorn.


Solitare would probably a good choice for them.



Stop it.


Yes, but necro bumping is also sort of against the rules.

There are alternate gearing options through ZM, since they added Cypher weapons. You’re also rocking a 246 staff, so not like you’re stuck with a quest green.

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