Casual Players have no chance with this expansion

I’m casual and would agree for all the talk of alt-friendly … blizzard really seems to give you a solid 10-12 hours worth of more or less mandatory content to complete each week if you wish to remain current with your toon. Just running two layer-8 tourghasts for soul ash, the three weekly storyline main quests for your renown, gathering up the anima necessary to do the 1000 quest as well as run missions and upgrade your sanctum features, doing dailies and the daily missions, running the two weekly dungeon mission quests in orebos, killing the world boss … and FINALLY run mythics/pvp/raid in the hopes of maximizing the weekly chest loot options.

Its the equivalent of two 3-credit hour courses WITH labs if you were looking at it as college courses. Just to be current on your main. My quick list doesn’t even include if you’re going for high level rated PVP or pushing high keys in mythic plus, or out at the cutting edge of progression raiding on heroic or mythic raid.

I have only now had adequate time to start dipping my toe into mythic 0’s and 2’s as I gear up and only been able to hit up LFR raid wise. Not sure where time for alts would be able to be located without quitting my career, abandoning my family and playing 8-12 hours per day, seven days a week.

I wish I could dedicate my life to playing an MMO … but I’m too busy progressing through RL world domination to be able to devote the time sink necessary to dominate Azeroth


Yes it has. You just have to adjust your goals and expectations.

You aren’t going to be raiding or running around in the shiniest gear early on, but there are plenty of other activities.

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spam bgs you can get up to 184 with just bg honor. or Mythic 0. if you can only play 2 hours a day then why would you need anything beyond these?

EDIT: Way too negative :slight_smile:
ETA2: though, i still stand by the basics: 4 hours to finish all your weeklies. Everything else is opt-in. If you’re a pure casual, after next week it might be a great time to look into alts and the other three covenants (if you havent already).

No, no it doesn’t. What someone else gets doesn’t impact your game in any way. You want to heroic or mythic raid? Guess what? Their gear doesn’t do a thing against you. Nothing stops you from enjoying how you want.

It only allows others to do what they want and still get some moderate power to the point they are powerful for that content too.

Your argument is if everyone can get the same burger from burgerking, because you chose to ride a unicycle, fall, try to run, fall because you are out of shape, then crawled your self a mile on the ground for that hamburger, it somehow devalues your burger because someone else just drove their car…


I’m going through this thread and there’s a couple of things I noticed–I’m going to speak from my perspective as someone who’s been playing MMOs since 2000. Retail is not casual friendly like WoW Classic plays. People get this twisted because WoW Retail has become about the endgame and only the endgame. This is the same issue EQ ran into in 2002 with PoP and every MMO since then that goes on longer than 5+ years. The game becomes obsessed with endgame content because you have a lot of players who’ve been playing the game for over 3+ years which is easily enough time for even the most casual of players to make endgame content.

Why is this an issue though? Well not everyone experiences the game in the same vein as everyone else. When I was in EQ I can vividly remember that leveling my Main, and my alts was more of the game than raiding in the end. Frankly I can barely remember the Plane of Fear Raid. But I can remember all the time leveling up in Kunark.

What’s at issue here is the game isn’t rewarding for casual players because the game devalues casual content so much so that emphasis is on content that’s either very time consuming, or just mechanically so difficult that why even bother. I remember in EQ and I even seen this with Project 99 that leveling isn’t something most players zoom through in a month. Actually it take a long time to grind out levels, even though we’re in the modern day MMO where we know exactly what to do, and that’s because gear was scarce, but even with that gear you still weren’t moving a light-speed pace unless you had a group that basically force fed grinding.

I think the problem here is that content that’s meant for casual players has been made so trivial that they’re now forced into content that was never really meant for them. I mean you can literally have a max level character in under 2 weeks now. That’s the issue, and honestly the complaints about leveling taking too long were wrong. Leveling should not be regarded as some sort of chore you have to do; it’s what makes up the majority of your character’s experience when you make them.

Really this is what happens in MMOs when most of the budget is spent on designing top tier raid/dungeon mechanics but then also realizing that majority of your playerbase doesn’t even try to attempt that content. So what’s the solution? Instead of trying to work on means that allow for players to group at a slower pace, or adding different meaningful grinds to the game you essentially rush everyone to the entrance and try to fit a million people into a door the size of normal front door to house.

The design is what’s at issue here. The design is massively flawed. That’s why I advocate for LFD for M+. Because that’s where their design is headed. It’s literally the logical next step in how they’ve now developed this game. By essentially trivializing all other content, and making it pointless prior to endgame PvP, Raiding, and M+ you’re basically forcing players who would’ve never seen that content back in the day, or even came close to it, having to deal with how that content works now. It becomes hostile as everyone wants to race through it. I mean even when CN first launched 2 weeks ago I remember players in a PuG I was doing via LFG were angry you weren’t racing through Shriekwing and Huntmaster. Why the rush? Well because they saw it was already solved and that this content doesn’t matter.

I think the only way you claw this back is to slow down the leveling process again. Slow it down to a crawl so you can’t zoom through the game. You can keep the drops scarce too but even if they have them it shouldn’t help your leveling too much. Either that or you have to accept that endgame content is going to lose more social aspects because otherwise you are going to see subs drop for MOBAs. Look at this comparison in Q3 Blizzard’s properties had 30M MAUs–CoD has 111m. I haven’t looked up what Riot is at but I imagine it’s big too. The reason for this? The time spent is equal to the value players receive. Log in and go.

WoW is at this place where it’s a game of contradictions and honestly it feels like the dev team has in mind what they think would increase MAUs but they only look at it from the perspective of what happens when you’re done heroic LFD which also can be done within another week of gameplay.


No, I’ll explain once more. If rewards from trivial solo content that it is impossible to fail at are comparable to rewards from challenging group content, the rewards from challenging group content become less meaningful.

1 hour a day is more than enough time to stay competitive and do M+s or arenas or BGs and that’ll give you just about all the gear in the game. And you still haven’t answered my question to you which was

“What’s the minimum level of play (in avg hours per day) below which it is reasonable and fine that people who play less than that feel left behind? You say 1 hour is above that limit. What about 45 minutes? 15 minutes?”

No, it still doesn’t, because you can STILL do the content YOU want to do. Again, Others having power do not take away from you. This is not a pie where there is a finite amount of pie. This is purely YOU want the separation for your own ego. You want to feel better than others because you have more time to spend on the pixels

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100% agree with title of this post . It’s ridiculous for the casual to player . This time gated content isn’t what we’ve been asking for

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By your logic all world quests can be completed with the starter gear so there’s no need to give casuals any extra gear on top of that.

It’s not about others having power (whatever that means). If the rewards for a trivial, cannot-fail solo activity are comparable to the rewards from challenging group activity, the rewards for the latter become less meaningful.

Not at all. Armory me. I’m not elite at all. But I’m able to recognise that if you allowed people to use anima to buy loot comparable to the rewards that had a chance to drop from mythic raids, the loot drops from the mythic raids would become less meaningful.

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If they didn’t time gate it they’d have to grind-gate it and grindgated content is far more casual-unfriendly.

Have you bothered to read any responses I made in this, How I have said the gear shouldn’t equate to mythic raid gear…

Here I will even save you the hassle since you can’t quite bother to look up

I never said you said that gear should equate to mythic raid gear. I did say that the rewards for casual solo content that has zero risk of failure cannot be comparable to the rewards from challenging group content without the rewards from challenging group content becoming less meanignful.

No they don’t. The people that can or want to do that content still get gear, and others still get gear.

A city has 5 roads into it, and the road someone else takes doesn’t devalue the fact you got to the city, or the fun you have in the city. You are just wanting yours to be arbitrarily better than others because you want to choose the road with the long stops, railroad crossing with trains known to stop on the tracks, pot holes, and other issues.

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I am a casual (or more regular/casual) and I’m playing just fine. When you say you have “no chance” - No chance at what? You never clarify this in the thread. You can absolutely log in and play for an hour. If you want to play advanced Raids and PVP, then that is NOT casual player content.

No, the road (gear) is not just an alternate path, it is what many people do the content for.

Also, your analogies are terrible, please stop using them.

People do content for rewards, gear being one of them. If comparable rewards are given for trivial content the rewards for challenging content are less meaningful.

Why do you need more is a huge rebuttal I see everyone say to non raid/mythic/rated players.

So those people that play 2 hours a day. They want to make the best of there time. Doing whatever they do in game is more efficient with better gear because of the forced design.

Your 184 gear in BG’s just makes you fodder to everyone else 30+ilvls higher then you. Its like taking a toddler to martial art classes and they must bareknuckle win against the top rated adult fighters oh and those adult fighters also get to use guns and armor. This isn’t even considering class imbalance. Just gear.

as far as class balance
Even this week the 184 WQ gear that has unlocked is meaningless in WQ on one class and then 160 gear is a cakewalk on another class. its broke

I doubt the devs are sitting down and playing each class at every ilvl and calculating dps per second against npcs and balancing those things out. They cant even tune old content right now and get that right.

I have no idea how they could fix these things, and apparently they don’t either.

I think just for random PVP they should have template gear, so its not a one sided. The players who want to one shot everyone based on gear shouldn’t be the core enjoyment of random BG’s. Let those players go play rated BG’s or place them in BG’s based on gear score.
Playing in BG’s at 59 is way more fun and balanced ( gear wise) then playing in bg’s at level 60.
they broke twinking and realized it was a problem YEARS ago and now they just have the exact same thing, players twinked out in gear that demolishes your (184 ilvl) two hour a day player in bgs.

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But… there are equal numbers of players with +30 ilvl advantages on my team… And equal numbers of 184s on theirs. So it all evens out. We’re talking BGs right?

Blizzard saw that classic was a success and ignored why it was a success when trying to emulate it in retail.

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People play the game for a sense of accomplishment, and for a skinner box feeling of reward that has no real substance. Everyone pays the same sub cost, and thus should be able to progress regardless of their time able to provide, barring that mythic raid threshold as I have stated already. You wan’t to be proud you can sink several hours a week to get one or two pieces of loot per boss from a raid? Do it, the other gear is there for others. Not to mention the fact set bonuses are coming back and that will be a huge separator from raid vs WQ, etc gear. You will still have your arbitrary shiny pixels to be proud of your no lifeing

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