Here it is , I want I want I want. But I’m not willing to put in the hours. Boo … poor me. Please me let me login once a week for free i200 gear.
That’s how you sound
Casuals get what they get. You want more. Put in time simple fact.
Funny, but I get way more gear raiding four hours a week than I get from the 12+ hours I spend doing other stuff. That’s why I can’t take this “put in the time” crap seriously. Besides, you’re still ignoring the many posts pointing out that it’s not just about the gear. It’s also about how they’ve repeatedly gutted the leveling experience that used to comprise the bulk of the content that casuals consume. It’s gone from a process that used to entertain casuals for months to a pointless slog that takes days. Now who’s not willing to put in time?
I really don’t see what’s so casual unfriendly. There is plentiful casual content in this game. There’s also nothing wrong with catering to the more hardcore audience.
Nah. Don’t think so. Casual players don’t play from that, “power, loot, raid,” perspective that you’re looking at it from. Casuals were always slow paced and don’t find anything in the game difficult because they avoid difficult things. They log in for an hour on one of their many level 35 alts, do a couple quests, maybe a pet battle on their Main, chat in a major city, then log right back out.
So what if leveling takes days . Do it this old fashioned way theres still plenty of end game things to do if you a casual player. They need to stop having a cry there ilvl isnt on the same lvl as a Normal and Heroic Raider. Thats the issue here
Youre absolutely right. I understand now. I feel like such an idiot for writing all those posts about all that irrelevant stuff. I now get it! I should, if i want heroic raid gear start pushing mythic dungeons and normal pug raids! Oooh! What if i get in one of those guild things! They’ll completely solve the problems i have with the game. I’ll just get good, play the game how its designed and have a satisfying and fun experience. I cant believe i never thought of this! Thanks dude, im off to run mythic dungeons right now!
There are even less world quests than before. BFA zones would light up twice a day every day. Now I look at ardenweald and see three or four for the entire zone. If you aren’t in Nathria, there’s not a whole lot to do in current content. You run out of things to do if you try and will end up just fishing or something. I’ve gotten to that point already more than once because covenant stuff is time gated.
It is definitely slower and more painful. You can do normal -> heroic -> mythic dungeons or do unrated pvp and buy honor gear and upgrade it to ILVL 184. Then mythic+ for weekly vault reward for a relatively non-time-consuming progression.
Dude - classic is more casual friendly than retail and has been for years. Gearing a raiding toon and raiding in classic takes a lot less effort than anything we’ve done since Legion onward
Doing LFR gets you a vault reward now. So if you’re afraid to pug, do LFR and you still get somethng on tuesdays.
An hour a day? When could you ever accomplish something in an hour on WoW?
If you believe that’s the issue, then you’ve skipped half the posts in this thread.
They took all the bad of classic with none of the charm.
Games like warcraft are time sinks aka made to be played for awhile in your spare time when you have nothing better to do. If you want something that you can play in an hour while at work or while waiting for something you are doing to be finished I suggest a phone game or something else.
Unfortunately it’s something that is currently on par with what your covenant currently offers and will actually be inferior come next week, before all the wings are even out! But that’s beside the point. LFR is not something you run with friends. Believe me, I’ve tried. Everyone wants to either skip it or go it alone.
In Classic you can grind out some decent rep in an hour. You can farm scourge stones. You can knock out a quick Scholo run. You can do a Stratholme wing. It’s only since Cataclysm that an hour has been too little to get anything done.
IDK, the highest people on the io ladder are using items with poor secondaries for the ilvl because they could not get an optimal one to drop. I’ve done like 15 +14s on my DH and am still using a 184 off-hand. Not just you clearly, everyone appears to be having this issue.
No, it’s in the hands of the players. If it were solely in hands of the designers, then we wouldn’t have IO (for example), we wouldn’t have seen the need for ML to have been removed, the addition of LFR/GF/RDF…these were in response to player driven social structuring.
Had any of the people who went full toxic/exclude/etc. actually sat down and utilized the built-in “structure”…
It what players did with the data available from the API.
As for your:
They show up at an xpac launch, explore an atrophied leveling experience, don’t really connect with anyone, very quickly run out of fulfilling stuff to do before needing to get into high pressure group content, and then they either choose to stop being casual and stick with the game, or they quit.
Goat squeeze. It’s always been raiders who have done this. Reach BiS…and then what? Zoom and boom. Heck, even streamers do this or fall back on doing mounts/pets/xmog (which you elitists have been waving your arms and screaming that have no place in the game).
So all the content that’s bad is only bad until the raiders are done and need something else to do? Would kind of explain Preach’s out-of-the-blue gearing video commentary…now that raiders/streamers are done (BiS or near enough), they suddenly find that they need the content they got Blizz to let them out of to raid/zoom in the first place?
Let’s take away all of your shiny purplez and make you gear via renown/anima/dungeons only. With all the timegates, etc. intact. Raiders wouldn’t stop screaming if that happened.
Funny, but I get way more gear raiding four hours a week than I get from the 12+ hours I spend doing other stuff. That’s why I can’t take this “put in the time” crap seriously.
Here. Take all their stuff away for only playing 4 hours a week. That’s certainly not enough time, right?
How about 10?..maybe 11.2?..oh I know! How about 14.4?
Content should feel progressive. Period. Not some arbitrary gate, level of frustration or whatever just to get off some anonymous online trolls so that they can feel better that they’re better because they won RNG before others did?
Youre absolutely right. I understand now. I feel like such an idiot for writing all those posts about all that irrelevant stuff. I now get it! I should, if i want heroic raid gear start pushing mythic dungeons and normal pug raids! Oooh! What if i get in one of those guild things! They’ll completely solve the problems i have with the game. I’ll just get good, play the game how its designed and have a satisfying and fun experience. I cant believe i never thought of this! Thanks dude, im off to run mythic dungeons right now!
I’m still laughing. Thank you for this.
Doing LFR gets you a vault reward now. So if you’re afraid to pug, do LFR and you still get somethng on tuesdays.
That’s assuming you’ve won the RNG lottery enough to meet the ilvl requirements OR had the catchup on renown actually work. I’ve been playing my druid religiously through the covenant arcs and stuck around 14 with nothing doing on getting any further (anecdotal, but there it is).
An hour a day? When could you ever accomplish something in an hour on WoW?
For quite a few years? Even back to MoP. Dailies, WQ, 2 or 3 islands for AP in BfA, one dungeon or two (depending of course). Battlefront (for all the good it would do you after a certain point).
Just not M+, challenge mode (from MoP), or raids.
IDK, the highest people on the io ladder are using items with poor secondaries for the ilvl because they could not get an optimal one to drop. I’ve done like 15 +14s on my DH and am still using a 184 off-hand. Not just you clearly, everyone appears to be having this issue.
But they do have the ilvl in the first place.
No, it’s in the hands of the players. If it were solely in hands of the designers, then we wouldn’t have IO (for example), we wouldn’t have seen the need for ML to have been removed, the addition of LFR/GF/RDF…these were in response to player driven social structuring.
Nah, those were player-evolved responses to developers trying to make raiding accessible. Dungeon Finder made Gearscore popular because it extended the tryhard experience downwards into the lower rungs, for example. RIO is an evolution of this.
LFR happened explicitly to expand the raider demographic, to justify exorbitant content costs.
The examples you gave were emergent consequences of an upper-level mandate to expand the top end through design changes.
Goat squeeze. It’s always been raiders who have done this. Reach BiS…and then what? Zoom and boom. Heck, even streamers do this or fall back on doing mounts/pets/xmog (which you elitists have been waving your arms and screaming that have no place in the game).
I think you’re confused. I’ve been saying for a lot of posts now that mentality you’re describing, having been absorbed by the developers, has been detrimental to the game, and left the casual experience wanting.
So all the content that’s bad is only bad until the raiders are done and need something else to do? Would kind of explain Preach’s out-of-the-blue gearing video commentary…now that raiders/streamers are done (BiS or near enough), they suddenly find that they need the content they got Blizz to let them out of to raid/zoom in the first place?
No? It’s bad, full stop. Apart from WQs, dailies, and Covenant chores being bad content to begin with and the story being insufferably stretched out into nonsense for the sake of metering progression for the top end, the rewards are obtuse and often feel pointless. The world experience shouldn’t suffer for the sake of a carefully curated antfarm. I’m not a raider, Pb. I haven’t been for at least a decade.
Let’s take away all of your shiny purplez and make you gear via renown/anima/dungeons only. With all the timegates, etc. intact. Raiders wouldn’t stop screaming if that happened.
That’s, uh. The thing I’m criticizing. That you have a miserable pointless slog ahead of you that very clearly signals that you’re not important unless you’re aiming to be in that demographic.
Kinda seems like you’re violently agreeing with me, here.
Yep irs an expac for the people that play 20 hours a day . I can play Sunday night and Monday , rest of the days are hit or miss for an hour or 2 . I feel like all I do is maw and borghast.