Caster nerfs when?

I can totally see how Ret is better in shuffle, but shuffle “balance” isn’t real.

Everyone wants Boomkin Sub Rogue Demo etc nerfed because they’re so strong IN GENERAL. In order to justify nerfing something in shuffle it would have to be so unbelievably broken it would likely be broken in other game modes bar niche heavily coordinated counterplay.

Ret is not “better” than Warrior, Ret is strong, and thats okay.


This is a typical doomer response. As if the opposing players have no abilities or trinkets to counteract anything a shadow priest does lol. Another FYI for you, a fully channeled void torrent with all modifiers up (insidious ire, PI etc) doesn’t 100-0 anyone by itself.

The synergy it has comes from its cc and is more or less unchanged for multiple expansions in a row.

Are we talking about balance or shadow here? :thinking: :wink:

Its not that they cant, but there has to be a significant outplay as everything from the spriest is instant and (with the exception of fear) doesnt have significant range penalties like clone/db/lasso.

If someone is breaking up your cc chain as a shadowpriest then youre getting seriously outplayed or youre playing really bad.

So what? The vast majority of classes arent 100-0ing with a single ability by themselves lmao. Its a team game XD
That being said, one of my healer friends swapped to spriest and crit a 200k mindblast and had 140k VT ticks with some mastery gear.
That is MORE than enough to set up kills with any halfway competent team damage.

And can happen every 45s.

And spriest is insanely tanky so it can go through several rotations of this and outrotate enemy defensive cds.

Yeah, and its been a top tier caster for the past several seasons??

Youre not helping your argument, man.

Shadow priest, but boomy is also really good!

It’s just insane to act like shadow priest isnt as good as if not better than all the non-sub rogue meta clasaes rn.

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Boomie and Warlock feel like they have too many short CD defensives as well as too strong CC, boomie and demo have unstoppable damage that is too high between instant dots, procs, and pet damage. I would nerf warlock and boomie CC, I think warlock tankiness is being addressed so might not need more fixes there. Boomie defensives since they also have bear form may need to be addressed as well as their proc dmg. SP has some insane burst and it’s hard to interrupt them dotting you because you usually have the need to save it if void torrent will be up in 25 or less seconds ( Depends on your interrupt CD) and that CD overlaps very well with their Stun/silence/fear combo. I think their trade off is that they still die far easier than boomie and if you kick > burst before dispersion they can just flop over and die since that’s their only dmg cast school.

Spammable CC really feels like an issue. Devs need to give fear/poly/cyclone the repentance treatment and slap a CD on it.

Especially cyclone. It’s way too strong, high winds needs to be out right deleted too.

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gotta hit that spell reflect harder

Spammable CC needs drawbacks, like polymorph. It breaks on damage, clears dmg debuffs, and heals the target. I think some defensives need more drawbacks, right now warlocks can just pop a defensive and keep casting whatever school of magic they want. Certain classes you can counter by kicking the school their defensive is and then bursting them, because their defensive is something like dispersion which they cannot cast during.

Same thing with boomkin, bash/incap > cyclone or being able to shadowmeld > rake stun > Cyclone too strong.


You guys literally have a 10 second spell immunity and a total immunity usable in stun. Just dodge the MD with a kick or stun and you’re completely safe. Warrior has very few ways to survive in a caster meta.


You can also stop DKs from healing with Death Strike (lol) and Arms from using Die By The Sword if you disarm them.

Then why are you surviving better in a caster meta.

The difference is, which casters have disarm themselves?

I think the issue is the pallies got used to pushing 2 buttons to kill in half a second to hit 2700 after offensive bubbling 3rd global during 10.07. Now they actually have to use CDs well. I had a Ret in a 2k shuffle on my hunter use a BoP against spriest/ele just to get deleted.

That’s cool and all, but I literally never played Rework Ret until the recent large patch where it was nerfed. So I’m not part of this club of Rets who got to bozo their way to Glad and Elite.

MW and Balance both have disarm. Popular casters rn.

That’s a healer but fair enough. I feel like healers having extra stuff like this is a big too strong.

I have never seen it, is it in a bad spot in the tree or PvP talent? Wowhead says it’s dispellable so maybe that is why

It’s called “fairy” something. I’m not sure.

I haven’t made a druid yet to look around but maybe I will today when I get home.

IDK i’m not trying to argue anything with you lol. Just giving you context where you seemed to lack it. I’m happy shadow is in a great spot the same way i’m happy boomy is. It just annoys me to see class/spec envy used as a means to try and get people nerfed (outside of glaring imbalance issues like we see with sub rogue).

Neither of these are things. I strongly recommend you trying to play boomy and count bearform as a defensive :slight_smile:

Moonkin is significantly more squishy and dies easier than both warlock and shadowpriest.

Its a pvp talent that you almost never take except into sub rogues sometimes.

I dont think im lacking context anywhere.
Its okay to have opinions, but your opinions are really far removed from the reality that is the game atm.

They definitely are things, bearform is very much a defensive - why else would boomies go bear?

Not from my experience. Feels like another example of someone that plays a spec just perpetually defending it.

If it’s dispellable, wouldn’t cloak work against it or does it prevent cloak?

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