Caster nerfs when?

I honestly have no idea as I haven’t played enough lately, but it would be surprising if ret was doing better than war in a caster meta ruled by spriest and lock.

i mean ret is just cracked ranged “melee” with instant cast damage, warrior isnt bad at all. its just ret is super insane but no1 complains cuz rogue

This. Ive been saying this everytime people say x is broken does too much damage.

Its literally every class though. When i havr ice block up, or turtle, or whatever, and i drop from 80-0 instantly without being able to even react because i took 3 150k crits from 2 sources, its a problem.

And yes melee can do it too. WW are one of the worst offenders of this as they can get close too you and hit 1 button and your health drops but they themselves dont havr a lot of defensive power either.

To me, they decided to make wow pvp combat the same pace as a moba where the goal is to engage and one shot a prio target to gain an instant advantage for the object. But this is an rpg based game and that just simply not how it should be.

If i wanted to get one shot in arenas i would go play smite and stand in scilla alts all day.


I agree. As much as I personally do prefer modern wow’s fast pace, this is a bit too extreme.

I feel like Arcane is in the same boat as Outlaw. It’s like 70 APM and 500 buttons for a payoff that is marginally better (if better at all) than it’s counterparts.

It is what it is.

Survival hunter hardly counts as a melee and ret is in no way better than warrior. Maybe in shuffle, but thats not super indicative of game balance.

being the lone melee or lone caster in any match makes it really difficult,

pending on the map id rather be the lone melee as very few range can actually kite someone on their own.


This game honestly just sucks. My sub ends in 1 hour and I am really searching for a reason to keep playing.

First 3s game I played this morning, I pain sup my ele sham at 80% hp and he goes 80%-0% while im actively spamming heals ion him with pain sup on him. This game is just honestly complete dog #(@t

The only caster that warrior is strong vs is Warlock.

LOL no, no they are not.

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Let’s talk about moonkin, warlock, and SP. Nerf rogue and pink plate wizard to the ground though, I agree.

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When I play vs warrior and full casters in 2.2k-2.4k, he goes 5-1 or 6-0. Maybe u are the problem.

reflect when he pops bust then dwarf off the dot

actually do enough damage for him to be scared of pushing into ur healer

play duel and save it for their dragonrage go. Then when duel ends you could fear into bolt the rest of his go if he doesnt have shroud up.

do more damage

so the 4 warriors that are 2500 right now are just cheating?

Pro tip, try using a cc ability when the shadow priest uses void torrent, congrats, you have now removed any kill potential :slight_smile:

Inb4 precog: if an spriest torrents and kills you with precog, you got outplayed. take your ball and go home.

Surely my fellow melee warriors are not throwing me under the bus right, I’ve been such a nice poster and this is how I’m repayed.


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No but 2 of them are the same person, one of the best players in the world, and the other two are also exceptionally good. By comparison, there’s 13 moonkins over 2500 no one has ever heard of.

i dont see how warrior is better than ret rn but we can disagree

4 wars 2500 while 2000000 casters way above that

This just reeks of someone who doesnt know what theyre talking about.

First of all, this post is entirely disingenuous as its not as though spriest cant fear an off target, stun a kill target and silence the healer to triple cc the entire enemy team by themselves to get off all their damage.

Second, spriest has unbelievable synergy with pretty much every single class. It has burst, rot, offheals, utility, and instant cc.

Finally, it has the MOST synergy with the two most meta classes (demo and sub) and is still great with other strong classes (war, moonkin, all hunter specs, feral etc)

Besides ladder rep, tournament participation, and in-general synergy with other classes?

More frequent utility, higher sustained, mortal strike, better mobility/lockdown and fear breaks are all very very good.

I think ret is definitely better in shuffle because of dampening and immunities, but warrior wins out in 2s/3s and its not close.