Casted MW Mana

Is it crazy for me to expect arena related responses in the arena forums? Take your complaints to the RBG forums.

I think the RBG issue is relevant, even in arena forums, because changes made to balance MW in arena would surely carry over to RBG.

That being said though, castweaver mana is still super bad, and I’m still tilted that other classes and specs don’t have nearly the same issue (not you hpals, you’re in the s*** too)

u 100% were a hall monitor in elementary school

waste less globals

Hard mastery build can help but yea, you need to be some kind of masochist to main caster mw (welcome to the party of forgotten healers, btw!)

You aren’t in a position to offer anyone pvp advice.

well. if i was, i would say to waste less globals to help with mana usuage. now lets say i have casted mw before and i also noticed that the mana usuage was very easy to waste on globals i was wasting. but ur right homie. i don’t have a position to offer a casted mw advice to a casted mw about mana.

but if u can look deep and see the logic in what im saying, maybe ull be in a postition to listen to advice. either way, every healer should be mindful of the mana that gets wasted on wasted globals

You aren’t, so stop.

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but if i was tho.

The game is balanced around many different PvP modes? I think their response is valid.

If our mana is now balanced around needing to get drinks, we should get a no-cooldown talent that allows us to immediately exit combat so we can actually do this consistently. They should also allow us to consume regular water in SS, not just mage food.

mw monk is good for defensive rotation.

this is to say that, for instance, in the comp feral/sp/mw there will never be an offensive go against this comp that isn’t met with an adequate defensive/play without having to overlap. this is not the case for a lot of healers, for instance shamans, who have 3min cds with their lesser cds often needing to be overlapped (shaman makes up for this in other areas utility/offense). which is just a fancy way of saying its a good healer to dampen with.
how good it is once you get into dampening, is a different story, but it’ll get you there.

for this reason mw can be an insane counter pick in awc. its going to be extremely oppressive into comps that absolutely require the healer to be in cc or that lack ranged kicks/pressure. bringing these comps into dampening with a defensive deficit. this was seen in (idk how long ago it was) flop’s first AWC where he went game 5 grand finals vs brain’s RPPALA , convincingly winning every match he counter-picked with mw… except the last one- but i wouldn’t blame the mw for what happened :sob:

that being said, the keyword is counter pick. mw is very weak into a lot of stuff. which means it will be generally pretty weak in shuffle, especially with “make it to dampening” isn’t really a thing in shuff cause that happens like 1min into the game. that’s just how blizz balances, not every healer gets to be S tier all the time.

if you’re having trouble with mana i would suggest playing lifecycles and sipping your tea more often to reduce the cost of EvM/throughput windows. this playstyle is much harder than just chugging your tea for mana replenishment, but that is how it was designed to get max value. you will need a decent amount of awareness into the match to know when you’re about to be global starved/committed so that you can sip just before this window. imo if you ever cast an EvM without sipping, you are griefing. you also need to maximize your yulon value; too many people use it and get kicked/pressured for no casting or use it before they’re on any DRs so they just sit a full poly during it.
know when you actually need an EvM and when the prolif + chiHarmony is enough; and if you’re going to put out 2 EvMs, wait 1 global after casting the first to make sure the second target you’re going to EvM has prolif first.

i can’t think of anything else off the top of my head regarding mana, but ya its pretty unfair how unequally hard mw has to work just to have a taste of the good mana life.

Are you?

Whole bunch of yapping


One of mw’s win conditions always used to be mana

Now there really isnt one.

Sure incap song sweep, but zero damage contribution (outside of TOD of course) and easily susceptible to cc when pushing in for said cc.

Utility? What utility

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Not every healer, no, and I think that’s the point

do u chatgpt all of ur forum posts or

Think blizz just wants you to be a good lil fw for a ret and warrior

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10% damage taken debuff + touch of death is pretty good