Casted MW Mana

Casted MW does not have the highest healing profile, and it has the worst mana. What does this spec bring to a competitive environment if I have to drink more frequently to do less healing? Can this please get a look before we completely write off this season?


10% damage debuff and Ring of peace shenanigans

m+ exists if u wanna stand 40 yds away pressing vivify


You punchy stuff in keys, though



Yeah the mana is pretty bad but only when you compare it to fistweaver and pres evoker, which feel like they have infinite mana.

There are other classes with bad mana issues as well, which would be ok if you didn’t have the outliers that can pretty much ignore their mana bar.

It mildly tilts me that the devs had this great campaign to make healer mana usage a meaningful choice, which is a decent idea in itself, but not apply it to every class.

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Agree. Mw has by far the worst mana of any healer. Worse than disc priest. Mw also has the worst utility and the least effective healer in terms of helping your team offensively. It’s been the worst healer spec every season of dragonflight. And no healer this season can compete with resto Druid or pres evoker. I mean, look at PvP check. There are 80+ pres evokers at 2400+ and 65+ resto druids at 2400. Only 15-20 mw monks are above 2400


How do people have fun jumping around playing the most non interactive specs in the game. Standing in the back pressing soothing mist…shhhhhoooullld be ookkkay

Panda monks have good animations that I cannot see if I am in a pile of 6 people


Yup, after playing caster-only mistweaver every season in DF, I genuinely feel like the spec would be decent if they didn’t have mana issues. There are still fundamental problems with how the spec lacks things in comparison to others, but tuning mana seems like such a reasonable short term fix and I don’t see why it’s been ignored the entire expansion.


I’m an Rdruid main who’s slowly swapping over to Caster mw, and I can say you can really feel the mana difference. I swear, I spend half my time in an arena on mw sipping dragon spittle and spamming mana tea, when as an rdruid you can just pop innervate, which gets ridiculous when you filter in how druids can just drink stealthed uninterrupted

This isn’t even taking into account the cc aspects, where cyclone is absolutely spammable compared to the legsweep and RoP

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You will pay for the sins of dev/dk and dev/dh being S tier. Either play dracocleave or reroll sorry those are the options.

Anyone that feels strongly on this should really post here

Until we get this it’ll never truly be whole

perma 10% more single target dam + 5% more physical single target dam on ur kill target

Can casted MW mana please get a look before this season is completely disregarded?

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Your Mana was Yummy !


I know this is an arena specific complaint, but on the flip side, casted mw is the most dominant healer in rbgs (most dominant spec period actually).

This season is done for I think as far as tuning, but good luck getting some :slight_smile:

I just hope that rbg blitz matches won’t be decided largely in part based on who gets mw monks on their team :open_mouth:

Not until somebody takes out Meep who is probably single handedly keeping its performance in the green.

Welcome to the club buddy. Mws are also Meta for Rbgs though and we have nothing as Holy so get behind us in line.