I know a lot of purists don’t like them but I don’t care, i freely and openly admit that I use them all the time.
They are so handy for perfectly executing a combo with zero chance of messing it up. Instead of pressing all of your buttons individually, this macro does it for you.
Now of course you have to set up these kill opportunities by baiting out defensives and trinkets, but nobody can give me a reason why they aren’t valuable. They are the perfect tool in pvp.
/castsequence reset=10 Shiv, Kidney Shot, Vendetta, Marked for Death, Vanish, Envenom, Echoing Repromand, Mutilate, Envenom
This is the one i use for assassination once i get to 4 combo points on a target that i know doesn’t have a trinket. Instead of pressing these buttons myself, this is packaged into 1 button.
I would highly recommend everyone make a cast sequence macro for your burst rotation and bind it to 1 keybind. They’re great.
Did i mention i love cast sequence macros and fully embrace and admit that they’re amazing and i use them all the time?
What happens if you press the button before the GCD is up in that sequence?
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you just mash the button and it will perform the actions after the gcd is up
So you can just hammer that button over and over and it will work?
For some reason I thought if you pressed it and the action could not be performed it just cancelled the rest.
you can macro anything using a cast sequence and if you mash that button, as long as it’s within the reset time you indicate, yes.
Wow, that is really nice, thanks for sharing and clarifying 8)
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Shuddap already, you are an orc rogue, all you need to do is punch keys and you win
Pretty much what every streamer does.
Every time you tune in all you hear is the keyboard
getting mashed away, you think they actually have the abilities
bound to a button each?
Nope, all macro’d except the major CDs and just mash away.
For people who are scared of or don’t understand how to macro,
these people get put on pedestals.
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stuff like this is exactly why pro lvl pvp is something I’ll never be persuing.
that said, each to their own. /shrug
purity ftw lol
Lmao people actually do this? I legit had no idea this was a thing tf, and that’s what the pros use too?..
I point and click, my pvp buddy uses macros, I have one macro for pvp trinket and trueshot…that’s about it…
It’s doesn’t cancel the rest but if the ability is on CD or between GCD’s nothing happens . And if you don’t have a reset time put into your macro , you can press the button again wherever the next ability in the sequence is available and it goes on.
It’s very helpful with learning how to play rogues above literally all other classes . I am sure the experts don’t play like that but if you are learning ya it’s great.
Suffice to say, macros remove a lot of the busy work from play. While it’s never recommended to make a macro for your core rotation, using macros is pretty common especially among the higher ranked players. Some are as simple as using trinket, CD, and pot and others use them to specifically target arena 1, 2, or 3.
Cast sequence macros are good for those learning PVP but I have seen experienced PVP player use cast sequence macros too…
Now that I think about it a cast sequence macro for Sub Rogue may work because Backstab/Shadow Strike have to bound to different keys.
Usually most players just put different key binds instead of using cast sequence macros. But back in the day cast sequence macros were more common.
Death Knights had the most ridiculous Sequence Macros as all there spells were instant.
So you would have entire strings on 1 macro, soon DKs were running around just pressing 1 button most the time.
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No they don’t lmao wtf. Always amazes me how out of touch the average player is. Macroing on use trinket with a burst cd or arena 123 is in no way even remotely similar to a cast sequence macro.
there is not a single AWC player with a cast sequence macro, so no.
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Why does everyone compare the average player with a blizzcon champion 3300xp team? They’re not even remotely even close to being comparable. Yeah people like zeepeye and whaazz don’t use cast sequence macros because their games require such tight kill setups so they are constantly adapting and using different abilities foe different situations.
Me? I’m not a blizzcon champion and neither are any of you reading this or replying to this thread. Cast sequence macros do work perfectly fine and I’ve had tons of success.
Do you just immediately activate your burst macro as an opener? No you need to set it up. And thats easy to do on basically everyone in a normal bg.
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I will use them for some things, mostly to save on bar space.
I make macros that have modifiers to cast a helpful spell if the target is friendly, or a harmful spell if it is hostile.
I have macros that use key modifiers to change the spell or the target without having to add another button/bind for it.
I have some sequence macros I use that target myself, my focus, and party members and cycle through HOTs to keep them rolling on everyone without having to change targets and press individual buttons. If I had individual buttons for each party member for my hots I would have tons of buttons and tons of binds.
I also use a bunch of mouseover macros for various things.
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