Cast sequence macros are god's gift to humanity

The issue is the use of off-GCD abilities. You can execute the sequence faster by pressing three different keybinds once rather than one keybind three times (vendetta, MfD, vanish).

I’d consider including only on-GCD abilities in castsequences if you insist on using them at all.


The only thing I’ve ever cast sequenced was my off healing rotation as shadow in mop. Was just easier to hit while running. It was pom, renew, and divine star. Super easy to hit while running and being trained constantly. Outside of utility spells I think it’s not the move.

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Is there any way to cast sequence according to range? I.e. cast X if range = <30, cast Y <30. And if X >30 cast Y.

I honestly didn’t know you could do this, but had a feeling it was always possible. I’ve love to see more of what Macros could do. I played SWG where you could basically macro afk the game while leveling (or getting low lvl loot) while at work. It kind of ruins the game when the player base drops off because than it’s all bots, but playing with the macros was always fun.

I can see how this may be a hinderance more than a help, but I can also see how this could be very helpful (especially with all the key binds needed for PVP). I really don’t see a good use for it on my disc priest as there’s no real sequence of events. But on the boomkin I’m leveling would be nice to have my 2 dots on a sequence macro, maybe even bear form and the bear healing… This could cause some issues, as needlessly hitting the target with the wrong dot because it’s not in the correct sequence portion, but I’m not winning any tournaments anytime soon… sooooooo there’s that.

I’m trying to think of, if I use X when do I always use Y. How nice would it be to cut out the finger movement, and be able to put important spells at better key binds. I don’t think I’d ever go a full 7 or 8 deep on a sequence as it seems like if it gets interrupted in the middle of the sequence there isn’t a way to reset it? So the most I’d be willing to go is 3, but I’d prefer 2, and it’d be two spells I always use together.

No, there are limited conditionals you can use that are mostly for looking at what the target is [friend, party, raid, or enemy], status of the target [exists, alive, or dead], or various checks against the status of the player [combat, mounted, flying, stealth, swimming, etc.].

They are intentionally limited to avoid removal of decision making from the player.

There is a UI and macros section of the forums with information about, you guessed it, WoW UI and macros.


Thanks man good to know!

Theres tons of cast sequence macros you can use to save keybind space and I use them in all sorts of ways on many alts to do certain things.

And yeah especially in circumstances where you just apply a dot you can save a keybind for something else simply by using a cast sequence macro.

I love castsequence macros. Nice macro there.
Have you ever added a [Btn:2] option? I am trying to get one to work on my mage with not a lot of luck.

This thread is over a year old and the person you’re responding to doesn’t even play anymore.

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cheers for the heads up