Case in point: Some people are absolutely stupid

With true freedom comes responsibility.

Imagine treating historical figures as 0-sum, that they are either paragons of virtue or abject villains. Humans commit hypocrisy, humans screw up and don’t always live up to their ideals.

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Whatever they have left. That’s what I’m talking about.

If goods and services aren’t made available, and places don’t start opening up, people won’t be able to buy things in a few months. The only people who can survive right now are people who:

  • Are “essential”
  • Work via Doordash or other delivery
  • Grocery retail like Target, Walmart, and King Soopers
  • Are rich
  • Can work from home

The longer people can’t work, the longer this goes on, the more broke people will be. How long has it been at this point? Month and a half? That’s already too much. Places should’ve begun opening after the first two weeks.

Most businesses will still be able to pay people. Especially gigantic companies. If people are re-employed, then they can start getting paid again right away. Most people still have money, even if they’re getting knocked down because of the virus. Most people have savings.

Awful, absolutely terrible. Agreed.

The thing about the stimulus was that it was incredibly helpful, only if you needed to use it. I put mine into savings. That, in itself, is beneficial, but others actually had to use all $1,200 (or $2,400) immediately. Like you said; It was a good start, but it won’t be used on anything other than rent, generally speaking. The only other option would be to use it on groceries anyway.

As much as this would be a good thing for us, it just wouldn’t be great in the long-run. If the country is going to flood everyone with money, including individuals, then some of that money needs to start going towards a vaccine. It doesn’t do anyone any good if they have tons of money from stimulus checks, but no vaccine is in the works.

I still don’t believe anyone when they suggest that the vaccine will take over a year to make. If more money was being put towards research and development, then we could have a vaccine within months.

Defend the argument you agree with so hard you defend slavery. Amazing

These threads are always entertaining

I’m glad everyone has the right idea to how to fix the problem that is completely unique to this period in time now

Same. I can’t be here anymore. There’s too much drool and single-digit IQs.

This guy has visited every single hospital in this entire country. He’s been travelling a lot.

You also poop once a day

I don’t want to scroll up too far because I don’t care that much. I just thought I’d scrapbook all the insane comments I’ve read thus far.

Take care everyone. Be safe!

We’re in Alberta too, not too many cases here thankfully. We’re out in the sticks too so we only see people if we go to the store.

0 babies under 1 have died from it.
2 children 1-4 have died from it (both also had pneumonia)
1 child 5-14 have died from it
22 people 15-24 have died from it. (11 also had pneumonia, and all had at least 1 pre-existing condition).

Source: CDC

In the realm of overreacting to completely missing the point, you win. I’ll take lessons from Thomas Jefferson on a lot of things, but security (from a guy who ran from fights) and freedom (from a man who owned human beings in bondage) are not among those things.

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The R&D isn’t what takes months. There are several vaccines in the conceptual stage already. It’s testing with a wide enough sample of individuals over a long enough time to have some level of certainty that the vaccine is reasonably safe. There’s no way to fast-track that beyond making sure that the paperwork is processed quickly.

That’s fair, but I still have my doubts that it would take over a year to do that from this point forward.

I’ll concede, that’s fair enough

I will wax my pedantic side of things in that Thomas Jefferson was in massive debt and actually didn’t technically own his slaves IIRC and thus was not really capable of even freeing them but yes he had slaves and that was bad but we also have to acknowledge this was a point in history when people were just starting to come around to the evil slavery was despite it existing as a system for thousands of years.

My point was that one can be a good thinker but not always live up to the ideals they espoused because in the end, that is what ideals are…ideals, we’re not meant to meet them just reach for them.

He shouldn’t be overglorified on this we can agree.

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Nor am I, and nor would they be even sans this pandemic.
But the struggle to regain those surrendered rights would come at the cost of yet more lives and loves atop those already lost, which is a price, like yourself, that I would rather not levy upon our progeny.

So I say more power to you if you wish to abide by such conditions yourself, I’m sure your kith and kin appreciate your sacrifice and even I see merit to it, but do not seek to impose your tenets upon others by law.

Contextual gleaning is a cowardly form of debate. Your statistical citation is rendered null by the fact that the very next sentence after the one you quoted asked:

“Are any of them smokers? Overweight? Aged, or diabetic? Those are the people we know and love that this pandemic is killing.”

When one is old enough, one can have children and siblings that coincide with those criteria.

The other extreme.

People confuse their feelings with logical thought processes.

I don’t care about the damn children

My mum and dad are old but not old enough to die, both have existing medical conditions.

My 29 year old friend has to take immunosuppressants, she’s at risk also

They should stay inside. Let the rest of us move on with our lives.

For how long exactly do you think is reasonable?

Does that mean no one else should see them for what could be a very very long time?

What happens if they have no other option to leave the house?

My two sisters live at home and go to school - should my father move away from them?

For me personally, any time indoors is unreasonable. UV rays kill the virus. For all the sheep trying to shame people who go out? They’ll stay indoors as long as big daddy government cuts them checks.

That’s a strawman.

The proper mindset of a historian is to not view it through the lens of your own modern day morals when viewing the actions of those of the past, while I’m not a historian I try to practice that mindset when debating historical topics and I’m not perfect at it.

We know slavery is wrong today, but back then people were just starting to have those discussions.