Carrot on a Stick Macro?

I second this. Works great, and no setup required.

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I vendor this the instant I have other trinkets to use. Why even bother? You eager to get across a zone a whole 5 seconds faster?

Try putting any non spurred boots you have in the bank. I think if you only have mithril boots boots available, it will set both mounted and unmounted boots to that pair.


3% speed is not noticable.

It’s also a pain to search through my bag to find the trinket I had there before I switched it out too.

Just not worth the effort.

Problem for me, is I have the spurs on my +stealth boots to save bag space.

Maybe, but carrot + spurs + enchant is noticeable, at least for me.

Enchants are cool because they are always on.

But I don’t mind losing 3% to not have to juggle a trinket. I always forget to re-equip my DPS trinket whenever I dismount too.

Which the addon fixes.

Yep, all three together is +9%, and it is noticeable. And with a mod that auto switches them, there’s really no reason not to use them unless you’re just lazy. Faster is better than slower.

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In vanilla I used to have an addon that allowed me to preset different gear setups and switch all my gear by pressing 1 button. What addon was that? I assume it would work for this issue here.

The current addon that does this is ItemRack. I’ve been using it for a few weeks now. You set up a “mount speed” set and have the addon trigger swapping to that set when mounted. It’s PRETTY bug free, but not completely.

Itemrack. And there is a working version for Classic. I’m using it. Works great for what you describe. However, I couldn’t get it to auto swap back from mounted gear to regular gear after dismounting, so I installed Autocarrot for that. But I use Itemrack for manually swapping between gear sets, like tanking gear and dps gear.

agree with Faster is better.

Not sure I agree with 9%. I recall it being 8% back in the day…

Thank you. I thought I had 1 addon that did like everything back in the day. It has been like 15 years though so my memory may be a bit off lol

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Just reading through the Wowhead comments, the consensus seems to be carrot = 3%, spurs = 4%, gloves enchant = 2%, for a total of 9%. And it seems to be multiplicative (not additive), so…

regular mount = 160% * 1.09 = 174.4%
epic mount = 200% * 1.09 = 218%

These numbers were supposedly tested and confirmed back in the day with an addon called Monkeyspeed.

Wow that is interesting. I had something in my mind about 8% from back in the day. Your information does seem to ring bells though.

I will have to race someone :stuck_out_tongue:
Carrot + gloves vs spurs
Carrot vs spurs

That’s how it should be working. Unfortunately, mount speed bonuses in classic are being calculated with the post-WoD method currently used in retail - it’s adding a percentage of your walking speed onto your mounted speed, rather than using your speed while mounted as a base and increasing it by a percentage like it used to in every iteration of the game before Warlords of Draenor.

So if you equip a carrot on a stick with an epic mount, right now in classic it’s only making you go 1.5% faster than you were before you equipped it.

I made a thread about it here if you’re curious: Mount speed is being calculated incorrectly with the post-WoD method

I made a gearset called “Riding” and then set it to trigger on “event”

Addon called auto carrot. Your welcome

This is a bummer, man.

A good portion of time spent in this game is literally walking/travelling. Having the carrot combo’ed with the other 2 speed boosts for 9% is a must have. You get to gathering nodes faster, farming spots, pvp objectives. Less time walking, more time making money and getting stuff done. Feels even better at 109% btw.