"Captcha Code" to deal with bots?

They shouldn’t need to add an explicit visible captcha. Our behaviour moving through the game should provide enough data to define an invisible test with no warning about when it’s running or what exactly it’s looking for.

(I’ve tended to assume something like this already exists, it’s just that it’s a never ending arms race between automated detection and evasion)


I already hate captchas.

Please, for the love of God, no.

To my left: a pallet of brand new monitors.

To my right: a pile of recently smashed, wow captcha monitors.

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wait…I was assuming he meant at log in each time not during the game play lol.
Did I assume in error on that one?

Beep boop. I am a real person. I will move my mouse in slight curves while randomly clicking on pictures to prove that I am not a robot.

they need put that in the auction house that a game changer for blizzard

Maybe? but maybe I misunderstood.

I thought OP was stating it would pop up after X number of harvests.

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The only thing this would help with is removing more real players from the game.

could be.
Im ok with it at login…not anywhere else lol. That would be WAY too annoying

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That’d kind of kill the chill vibes entirely.

Anyways, herbs/ore barely worth the time they take to collect now.

I’d deal with it. But I’d secretly resent it.


I’m sure if they’d train some AI with thousands and thousands of bot data it would start to see patterns emerging quite quickly.

Absolutely valid point.

I buy tokens so I am not a valid comparison. I just love being able to do two primary professions even if they need gathered reagents. I always do alchemy if I can, but now I can do another thing as well.

But again, you make a solid point and it’s well taken!

that poor intern.

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They really just need to break AH addons.

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Blizzard will also need to watch out for the people who seem too eager to get to work once this is implemented.