"Captcha Code" to deal with bots?

Curse you Boston Dynamics!


Sounds like a horrible idea to try and combat bots that would only result in pissing off actual players.

If you want to do something like that do it how Runescape did it where you had a guy walk up to you and teleport you to a minigame. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

But an advanced enough bot can achieve anything a human can achieve (and more). :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

If it works, do it.
Im ok with a couple extra seconds getting in if it makes the game better


oh dear god…now THAT one IS actually an annoyance, lmao.
A captcha…IF it would actually do something, is something Im fine with.

you pale, stumpy, troll. (I prefer’em blue)

what! I mean.


Dude. you need to switch to crack-lite. I just went and karate chopped my brother in the throat over this and it ain’t even real! Just thinking about a captcha popping up in front of my BG pop up and it timing out. grrrr brb need to give him another chop…


You know this thing will end up in someone’s face, somehow, during combat and it gets them killed. A lot.

A lot, a lot.

One of the biggest problems with security is that it usually inconveniences the people it’s there to ‘protect’ more than the people it’s there to stop, in the long run.

What if I take a long time to do it and I am on a dragonflight mount? Will I sink out of the air?

What if it pops up while I’m WASDing and I WASD it and fail?

I’m sure there are also lots and lots of ways to use this to grief (remember that one?) people with this too.

Thanks, this was actually, sincerely, a fun thought exercise :slight_smile:

Only badly designed security. :dracthyr_comfy_sip: That’s why the world is moving towards passkey. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Though bot detection is different from security. :dracthyr_tea: But bot detection is really a losing battle without egregious privacy violations (like, requiring a liveness check while playing (i.e., now you need a webcam)).

Or… or…

Have that beloved turtle lady appear and demand you draw shapes on the ground before you can actually harvest the node.

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They aren’t even just not bot proof.
If memory serves the data they collect from people solving them is used to train bots to recognize things anyway, so it turns out captchas are the reason bots are able to solve captchas.

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That would be annoying. My method of reporting them seems to work, but then again I actually have to come across them.

I think it’s almost time for them to implement a measure that will inconvenient the player slightly :disguised_face:, if they really exhausted everything on the backend.

I wouldn’t mind a captcha every fresh session on the AH, or every 1-3 hours. Maybe just a random code you have to type in like when an item makes you type DELETE.

Basically this… If people had a real tangible fear of their account and all of their progress being perma-banned… they’d think twice about buying gold. Heck IP and MAC address ban them if need be. Sure those who know what they’re doing will get around it, but the vast majority won’t.

So long as there is a market… there will be bots. Kill the market… and the bots will automatically disappear.


No, thank you. If any kind of content required a captcha in WoW, I’m out.

This would probably work, arent most of these bots just scripts? Its not like they use ai to read the screen. But yeah i guess the problem is wow players and their resistance to any form of inconvenience.

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Yeah…I literally have an addon that pre-populates the window with the word “DELETE” so I wouldn’t have to type it.

Seems to me that something like CAPTCHAs may make the bot problem worse, or at least drive some people to use a bot who otherwise wouldn’t have.

I mean if the options are:

Don’t use bot, get frequently annoyed by pop-up “bot-detection”, have a chance at failing it and being false-flagged as a bot yourself

Use bot, let bot-AI solve it for you, have less chance of failing the test

That’s the way it is for most people, but before bots were big, legitimate players had the option to make gold by farming mats. It’s something I really miss and I wish could come back, but with cheaters not only on the cheating clock 24/7, but having 10 multiboxers gathering that same node, it’s not happening.

Frankly anything that would bring this back, I’d get behind, even if inconvenient.

No, I’m sure this would be universally loved.

Edit: I was being sarcastic btw

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Captcha popping up in the middle of playing WOW? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Talking about breaking immersion lol, not to mention incredibly annoying.