"Captcha Code" to deal with bots?

I know it may sound dumb, but WHAT IF

After “X” amount of plants/ore nodes collected, a CAPTCHA window pops up to the player manually write a code?

I know it may sound cheesy or clunky and maybe would annoy “normal” players sometimes, but MAYBE i think it could help a bit to cut out some bots?

  1. captcha are not bot proof
  2. this would greatly inconvenience actual players

Horrible idea. How about Blizzard just ups the disciplinary actions on cheaters and people who buy gold?


Bots give Blizzard money, they won’t put in that much effort to deal with them.


Yup, they are not bot proof at all, lol. It turns out bots are actually really good at solving them.

https://www.pcmag.com/news/bots-better-at-solving-captchas-than-humans Edit: Switched to an article with less ads/pop-ups.


Just require a live video feed of yourself on at all times while playing to be monitored by a helpful blizzard admin.

Simple solution.

Put a capthca into the AH, instead. Less disruptive to gameplay and the AH bot problem is a lot worse than the farming bot one.

Yet people on this forum never seem to complain about AH bots. Curiouser and curiouser.


I really, really hate captcha. It’s a pain in the hindquarters. I think if a captcha window popped up, I’d just shutdown the game.

At this point, the gathering bots don’t bug me as much as the rapid spawn campers.


Totally against them adding something that would be annoying for me to do just to combat bots. They can do stuff like this when they have inconvenienced themselves by paying for actually in game GM support to deal with it.


Id rather have twice as many bots than have captchas in the game


can confirm that quality bots have zero issues with captchas, they are actually much harder for many humans to solve and add a ton of friction to their experience

does shut down low quality bots

fyi you’re on the wrong design path when you are adding friction for your players just because of bots instead of using proper bot detection and reporting - but this costs more

Sadly Runescape has proved this wouldn’t work. Pretty much if the game detected someone being a bot, it sent a random event npc to talk to your character, and if you didnt responded after so many attempts, it would take action. Eventually bot script improved and they started interacting with the event npc. The Random Event Npc system is still in the game, but was repurposed to give small rewards to players.

Any more greatly than typing delete to delete?


Ion is watching you! He’s called Watcher for a reason!


Would be very inconvenient

Wouldn’t do any good they would just get around it

All that would help is the bots lol

Because nobody else would use the AH if they had to do a capcha for each auction.

I think they should require wow players to walk X miles on a treadmill for every Y gathering nodes farmed. Bots can’t walk, they’re bots.

Problem solved.