Cape corruption cap catch up

I dont know what you are on about here. You seem to be mistaken.

I agree the current “catch-up” is too slow and demotivating for anyone hitting max now.

There is no reason to not just allow players to grind out any number of N’Zoth kills / vision clears until they’re caught up.

Stupid obligatory weekly login nonsense.


I looked at your armory. I dont think catching up to current cap makes any difference for you. just stop stressing amd enjoy w.e u do.

Weren’t WoD legendary ring and Legion Argus trinkets only once a week upgrade?

that’s a very condescending take on it, the cape catch up is one of the various reasons i refuse to progress mythic content this patch. The constant need blizzard has to punish players who need to break away from the game is retarded. Stop defending a bad design.

Since the currency to run visions is capped weekly there is no reason to cap the catch up on cloaks.


we heard you liked time gates so we put a time gate in your time gate so you can time while you gate.

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Also why isn’t there a PvP catch up? If I raid on my main I have to now raid on my alt too? Bleh…

Make it 3 cores per week. One from your PvP chest, one from vision and one from the raid. Hell mix and match. Let people get all 3 from a vision or something. Still going to take a metric year to catch up as CVS are also gated.

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There has to be a time the player is willing to admit fault. This is a huge problem with the community and doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon.
Everyone wants everything no matter what level of effort they put in and they throw a million reasons out about why they should have everything.
Except the one that matters.

You are dedicated to the game’s progression systems enough to log in for 30 minutes a week and get the cloak upgrade.

The game has a weekly reset on many many things.
I don’t get a chance to rerun bosses I didn’t get to loot last week, so look at it the same.

Either way, you can get 2 per week now, so you will catch up if you stop missing whole weeks.

I would be comfortable with a situation where you could catch up to your highest cloak on your account in one week but that’s it.

Diligence must be rewarded in a game like this.

You mean 430. There’s not dps check in the place. At r2 you can clear 2 areas already and once you have the elite extermination you can do 4 or more. Maybe not rexxar or park district, but once you have gift, it’s a breeze even if your gear stinks.

Guess what. You still don’t. So now if you miss a week it’s twice as punishing. We get it man, you have a ton of time and never miss a week.

It’s literally putting up barriers and asking people to unsub. The opposite of what a game should be doing.

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I’d more or less agree, YMMV a bit depending on class though. My hunter is 446 and fine in HV, and only isn’t progressing cause I really do need that elite extermination to push through the T3 zones.

Still don’t what?
The “barrier” is dedication to progression.
If you are going to run away from the problem then you might as well do it.
This is not Blizzard’s problem.
They give you 7 whole days to do 30 minutes of content.
If you can not do that, then you must live with the results.

There have to be some lines drawn in the sand otherwise it trivializes the entire concept of a weekly reset.

But frankly, no one should even be caring about this 3 corruption resistance thing.
Eventually its going to get so out of control its going to break the game.
Unless you are going to miss every week for months, the difference you will be behind is not going to have any significant impact on your DPS per average.

but you were talking about the catch up for max corruption res. which makes very little difference in power. Having taken say 3 weeks off, you will be 12 corruption behind on res than someone who didn’t take a break which is equivalent to an extra low tier corruption. This is also at a time where mythic prog is irrelevant, near the end of the expansion. So choosing to not do any mythic is more of your personal choice and taste, not because the system is broken and hindering you. it’s not like the content requires you to have a max cloak or else mythic contents are unplayable.

I literally quoted exactly what you still don’t. You still don’t get to go back and do a boss if you missed a week. You don’t get any of your chests.

So now you’re missing loot and rental powers. It’s 2X as punishing as it ever was.

Lol we get it, your life is wow man. Doing assaults and visions is gonna take you closer to an hour a week. What about raid nights? Doing m+? What if you care enough to PvP for an extra corruption? It adds up fast.

Now imagine some life thing comes up and you miss a week. Hell two weeks? You’re 2X as punished for every week you miss. How does that incentive you to come back?

Seriously your line of thinking is going to kill sub numbers even more.


I know, you made no sense doing so. That was MY point. You missed a LOT more than 3 corruption resistance.

If people quit over this they just aren’t dedicated to the game.
That’s how the game has ALWAYS worked. If you miss an entire 7 days regularly, then you miss some things.

If you are serious you will find a way around it.
We have had many raiders over the years buy laptops just to log in and do dailies on business trips etc.

Having that reward towards dedication is important and its also important to understand when its a problem on the player.

you are not required to have max res cloak for anything in the game. Anything beyond rank 15 cloak is just end of expa bonus which will not matter in a few months. If you want to grind for it go ahead, it’s pointless and probably won’t feel rewarding if you ever catch up since new exp will make this system obsolete.

And now you’re missing both. How do you not understand how it’s 2X as punishing? /Sigh

Again, now it’s 2X as punishing. If you miss 2 weeks because of life stuff in virtually any other game, no problem. It’s why wow subs decline year after year. By all means keep killing the game so you can feel powerful playing 24/7 :roll_eyes:

Bleh man you sound elitist. Wow was successful for being casual not punishing.

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And nothing has changed about the weekly lockout ever.
Ironically, there were some raids you’d miss two lockouts of in the old days.

I am just being realistic.
Stop blaming Blizzard for your lack of ability to commit time.

Its a problem with commitment, nothing else.
Just need players to admit when they are at fault and own the responsibility.

We should all be able to say “ah unfortunately I wasn’t able to log on this week, as I had more important commitments.”
You made a choice, and now you live with the consequences.

Just like those of us who make sure we get content done weekly made a choice to potentially put other obligations aside to ensure such.