Make is so players who can’t play every week can get more than 3 corruption resistance to their cape but no more than the established cap. Problem solved. Stop punishing players who need to step away from the game it makes them less likely to come back. See brutoboi.
Can’t you get +6 per week? +3 from N’Zoth and +3 from a full clear horrific vision.
yes but you can never catch up to the current cap the way it stands. I have 62, i can only get 6 this week even though the current cap is 78 i believe. This is a flaw in the system that punishes players who stepped away and are returning.
You can catch up it just takes a while
I don’t expect to ever catch up. I’ll just be glad when I reach rank 15. Does the cap go up by 3 or 6 every week?
if everyone can get 6 a week and no one can get more than 6 a week you cannot catch up to the resistance effect.
Oh, well then. If you get +6 every week from doing both activities, you’ll catch up eventually.
If you are capped you can only get 3 a week.
If you are catching up you get 6 a week
Thank you for clarifying that. /thread
Nono it still a pretty flawed system because people are going have to grind for like a months to catch up.
The longer it goes the worse it gets because it’s time gated
As-is, it’ll take around 2 months from a rank 15 cape to reach the current cap alongside everyone else (assuming you do your vision and N’zoth kill every week).
I hate the visions aspect of leveling the cape.
I don’t understand why they made these semi-solo instances.
You need to complete them to level your cape faster, but unless you are geared or are on a certain class/spec combo we’ll punish you.
You can do two per week if you’re behind.
You can do one per week if you’re caught up.
However, I do agree that I’m not sure why they don’t just let you catch up to the cap regardless of whether that’s 15 runs or 2.
Honestly, the extra corruption resistance will take a long time to be meaningful anyway. You aren’t going to get to equip two +75 corruption items at the same time any time soon, even if you are caught up.
This is completely irrelevant but I challenge everyone to say the thread title 10 times quickly.
Yep - On 7/14, it’ll be possible to run 150 total corruption and bring it back down to exactly 39 with your cape + an essence that gives 10 extra resistance.
That’ll be a fun Tuesday.
Visions are designed to get easier as you play them and the weeks go by. If you stick with gearing the character, getting the cape leveled as you can, and get the talent tree researched you will keep pushing through it more and more. The biggest upgrade is the +200 sanity talent that really starts to let you push through the harder areas.
Once your tree is fully researched a 0 mask run should be doable by pretty much anyone with a decent 8.3 ilevel.
No. You cap only THREE per week; You can only get six if you are behind. So I’m at the current cap, which means I can only get 3 per week. So a person who is behind can get twice as much (if they kill N’zoth and do a full clear.)
However, if you were not able to even be on to get 3 a week:
How would you be in a position to kill N’zoth once a week, when it can’t be LFR?
I knew I’d never be able to do that, so I did the simple thing and just do a full clear each week to be at cap.
Yeah, I only solo and can do at least a two mask full clear (trying a three next.) I JUST put the last point in the tree, so full research now (next 5 k memento for backpack mog!)
Cape and corruption is pretty huge on our all bear tank Mythic runs. Corruption is sometimes 60% of our damage. We just started Drest and we need every bit of damage we can get.