### Cant withdraw gold from guild bank

Honestly, enough is enough, put a stop to this situation and repair the guild bank.
Gold is not only an “internal” currency of WoW since with gold you can buy tokens and with the tokens you can buy expansions, game time, transmog, mounts, pets, etc.
Besides, it’s my gold, I earned it, it’s mine and I can’t take it.

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Replying to OP:

  • Updated - 8-13-2024 -

This BUG issue remains unresolved. Send in a support ticket as I did. I just sent in a support ticket for this bug issue. This should NOT be happening in the game at all, especially for a game we pay for and support. This is just wrong and unacceptable for this to be unresolved for this long!! -

Let’s hope Blizzard fixes this bug issue soon! - JJ -

  • 8-13-2024 -

I can deal with most bug issues in any game, but preventing players from accessing and withdrawing their own gold from the Guild Bank is just outrageous and wrong, especially for a game we all pay for! And since last month we have not been able to access and withdraw our own gold! This is totally messed up!

Blizzard Management and Devs needs to address and fix this major bug issue ASAP! This BS BUG is NOT acceptable! - JJ -

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I believe Blizzard will eventually fix this bug issue, but this is just beyond the norm and for something like this to happen is rare, but not having the ability to use our own gold in the game is just very bad and not acceptable for Blizzard to leave unresolved. It’s pretty damn neglectful and wrong!

Let’s hope Blizzard fixes this awful bug very soon! It’s long overdue! - JJ -

I was also having the same issue with my alt bank - was able to deposit 1g then take out 90000g at a time seems if i changed the value it broke again until i deposited another 1g.