### Cant withdraw gold from guild bank

Today I saw token at 272k gold so I decide to use some gold to buy pre-order TWW, but I cant withdraw gold from my guild bank. I used both officer, gm, veteran, … new toon from 1-70 lv, still cant withdraw gold.


This is still a bug I do not understand why it is not fixed since it is a A or S tier bug. Ive been wanting to withdraw a good amount of gold on my Main since unlocking Transmog appearances are no doable on 1 character. With the only limitation being that you cant learn class set pieces but anything else you can learn from a single character which is awesome.

But hopefully this withdraw bug gets hotfixed fast.


Hi, I’m having the same problem, it won’t let me withdraw gold from the guild bank, I’m a guild master and I can’t, the same with the Pj that is official


yeah same my main is my GM and for now no luck I hope they fix this soon


yeah, this is a bug easy to find and so annoying, dont know why they dont fix it asap


too busy with all the other big and small bugs they always seem to create when a patch drops takes them about a month or more of slow slow work to get things sorted. Expect this and more come next week and on the Acutal Release of TWW it is going to be a constant hotfix and maintenance Mess because they severly lack enough people to test this whether it be Players on the PTR or Paid Testing as in Pay players in Account time so say you Test and report to blizzard properly and for every hour of /played you get that as credit to your account since you are taking time out of the main game to help Diagnose future patches and expansions. Why they do not Offer this as a way to help them out is beyond me. ANd lastly not enough Internal Testing before it even becomes a live PTR Build for people to actually Test. Getting credited time back on your account for PTR Testing seems the right way to go But you would have to adhere to Blizzards Strict Criteria while doing so and not just be playng the PTR for fun then you would negate your compensation. So only those out there willing to help Blizzard and put in the work so we do not get bug riddled Patches would be a welcome addition. It would not cost blizzard anything since the Amount of Serious and Well versed Players willing and able enough to pass the bar and be given the right to test for blizzard properly and get that compensation as payment would not be very large as in the amount of people would only be in the hundreds not thousands.

player will test for them free, they just want play a game without bug, dont know why they too slow at fix bug there days

Free for Blizzard, lately isn’t free for the player. They gotta pony up another 40 bucks to be allowed to do free testing.

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Yeah I know they do it for free but I was just eluding to the fact that we obviously do not have anywhere near enough people doing it due to literally every single patch for the last 3 expansions (Not so much for <Legion) But the last 3 expansions had horrible pre launch problems and almost every if not every patch had atleast 1 major issue among a myriad of other ones and this latest patch for TWW is no different. I do think we need some sort of system where blizzard compensate people that have an active subscription for there PTR testing time by either Paying back that time used or even better Pausing there Sub time on live and make PTR have no connection to you sub time at all as in it is just its own thing not linked to you overall account. So Pause or Pay as incentive to get more people involved with PTR testing alongside Blizzard doing more on there end because me Personally I am sick of having to Play on Patch day and spend most of the day diagnosing Addons re doing characters talents and settings which basically wastes my first 2 or 3 days of a Patch release. Then comes the content catch up after. But during that 1-3 days of troubleshooting its the repeat of the above re adjusting addons characters and talens etc until they have finalised the new patch but that takes 2-4 weeks until its reached a point where almost everything runs smoothly so what I originally proposed would be a benefit to the game.

I just checked and apparently its been somewhat fixed I just cant withdraw more than 1k gold at a time even with my GM status and all my settingss being re done as in gold amount increased to test etc nothing. So atleast you can spam withdraw 1k gold until you get what you need I just hope they do a proper fix soon. Also on the subject of bank Issues the Reagent Bank tab in our personal bank the Sorting button does not auto sort reagents as of writing this the norm bank tab sort function does just the reagent one does not so keep that in mind.

In my case, I cant withdraw more than 400 gold, and I need withdraw 3m gold, lol xD

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thank you, i relog time to time from 1 gold now i can with 1m gold, lol, i can increase gold 2 times per 1 relog

GAH! Now its been turned off again wtf is going on with them and NOT FIXING THE ISSUE. Are they ignoring an issues more important than a pointless Warband bank that should only be active in the actual new expansion. I really wish they had paid testers who got monitored hard by blizzard to test everything in every expansion until nothing conflicts with each other no code is broken which these days is hard seeing how easily Code can cripple the world like it did the other day. Just get the Lead out blizzard I am trying to use my gold not have it sit there and Mock me when I try to extract it.

That’s my question too.

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As of Thursday, 5:15 PDT, I still cannot withdraw gold from the guild bank, even when I’m on my my GM toon.

/moo :cow:

yeah same for me

I have had the same problem since yesterday. I put in a ticket and was directed to delete cache, the WTF retail, and add-ons, did not work. Logged back in and was able to remove 1k at a time, then got disconnected and over 25K of gold went missing. If you are having this issue do not withdraw gold. Now I have to put in a ticket to see if I can get back.


Why isn’t this issue fixed yet?? and I hope my gold doesn’t disappear! GAH! :frowning: I just wanted my warband tabs…


I can’t find any evidence that Blizz even acknowledges the problem!