### Cant withdraw gold from guild bank

I also cannot withdraw gold with any rank in guild (including the Guild Master). Officers cannot even open the guild bank despite having all available bank tab permissions.

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I found a fix, (granted it is stupid and annoying). If you have 3 gold in your inventory, on your person, deposit 1 gold to the guild bank, you should now have 2 gold. Withdraw 2 gold from the guild bank, you should now have 4 gold. Deposit 1 gold to the guild bank, you should now have 3 gold. Withdraw 3 gold from the guild bank, you should now have 6 gold. Deposit 1 gold to the guild bank, you should now have 5 gold. Withdraw 5 gold from the guild, you should then have 10 gold. Keep repeating the process, as long as you are withdrawing the same amount as what you have in your inventory, and depositing 1 gold before each withdrawal.
I hope this makes sense but this was the only way I was able to get all the gold out of my bank. :slight_smile:


Also, forgot to say, blizzard please fix this, it shouldn’t have taken me all day to figure out a bonky fix


Yes! Thank you Dipsy! That helped me get my gold all out of there and into the Warband bank lol. Much appreciated

So if I’m trying to buy a token for 325,000 gold, how long would that process take to get out that much?

/moo :cow:

I can add gold into my gbank and I’ve had no issues adding/taking from my warband bank, but I can’t take any gold out of my guild bank at any amount.

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The solution was posted on another thread. Withdraw 1000, deposit 1, withdraw 2000, deposit 1, withdraw 4000, deposit 1, withdraw 8000, deposit 1, withdraw 16000, deposit 1, withdraw 32000, deposit 1, withdraw 64000, deposit 1, withdraw 128000, deposit 1, withdraw 256000, deposit 1, withdraw 602000, deposit 1, withdraw 1204000, deposit 1, etc.

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i am also having this same issue. and blizz said to do the usual delete files routine, which didn’t work. i keep submitting tickets but get nowhere. i earned that gold fair and square and now can’t access it. i wish they would fix this.

Ditto, I have sent at least 3 tickets and they keep telling me empty WTF file, uninstall all addons, redo UL. I have done all this…grrrrrrr

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same here, i cannot withdraw gold from mine

Same here and it’s really frustrating to say the least.

you can withdraw an amount equal to what you have in your bags, so withdraw 1k, relog, withdraw 2k, relog, withdraw 4k, relog…you see where I’m going with this


This worked for me thank you

Thirteen days later and it’s still broken. As gold can be sort of important sometimes, pathetic that Blizzard doesn’t seem to care.


My decision with this bug - which has been going on for almost 15 days- is not to leave any more gold in the guild bank or the warbank.
I distribute the money I earn among my alts.
I wanted to buy warbank tabs and having millions I had to be collecting coins. I wanted to buy a rare mount that was at a good price and I couldn’t. I wanted to lend gold to a guildie and I couldn’t either.
This is not going to happen to me again.

Yes I have the same issue, still can`t withdraw any coins from my guild bank.

Still an issue yes there are work-arounds, but we shouldn’t have to do all that just to take gold out of our guilds! I tried to not have any gold in there, but I like it in there because I don’t want to spend pocket money to fix armor. Plus alts on other accounts not connected to this battle that if they need some gold, it’s just easy to take it out of there and they can’t even do that. I guess it’s just low on the list for Blizzard to fix.


This post needs to be pinned to top of bug forum.

This is a real problem Blizzard, not to be taken so lightly. The Guild Bank Gold withdrawal issue is not controlled locally so don’t tell people your standard cut and paste answer to “Delete WTF, Caches and/or Addons,” as this does not work and causes other issues with saved variables…
at the very least I want to see a damn Blue Post acknowledging that it is a problem for everyone…
How do we get your attention Blizzard? I’ve been playing and paying for 20 Years and now I’m debating whether to buy the new expansion as your Public Relations still sucks


You’ll pay your money and you’ll shut your mouth.

Blizzard should hire me for all Bug Reports.