Cant untrack Trainers, Inn keeper, stables and repairs

I cant untrack Trainers, Inn keeper, stables and repairs my Minimap is being cluttered with all these symbols. This is making me overwhelmed with OCD and Information. I have clicked on the scroll icon and I can untrack Pets, Warboard, Auctioneer,Banker Barber, Mailbox, Trival Quest and Transmogrifer but the other things are not there. Can I please get some help

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TY why couldnt they put that into edit mode

someone made an addon too, called minimap tracking or something

You can turn them on and off. Not sure if its there naturally, but mine has “Townsfolk” at the top line of tracking, that allows to turn off Auctioneer, banker, barber, battlemaster, food & drink, innkeeper, item upgrade, mailbox, profession trainer, regeants, repair, stable and xmog. If its not there already, type this and you will get it

/console minimapTrackingShowAll 1

Check the pop up menu, look for Townsfolk for second pop up menu: ~