Minimap Tracking help

I also dislike the shortened list of trackables. I have no interest in tracking my target or my upgrades salesman. I do want to be able to toggle tracking digsites. Any way to get the full list of trackables back?


I would also like to be able to not track things I don’t want to.


Yeah, I absolutely do not like that my target shows up on my minimap one bit. It is very distracting. Please, Blizzard, give us more tracking (and more importantly, NON-tracking) options


I am in the same boat as you guys … well, was. I wrote a small addon to allow people to toggle all trackables so you can again select exactly what’s to be tracked on the minimap


Fantastic! I won’t be home to try it out today but definitely gonna give it a go on Friday!

Thank you!

Edit: Got it squeezed in this morning and it works wonderfully. Thank you so much


Can wrap the link in code tags ` (or the </> button in the editor) so you don’t need to butcher the url :slight_smile:

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… are amazing and thank you so very much I cannot express.

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Did not know that :blush: Edited the post to reflect this. Thanks!


yes, please return to us the full list of trackables. i do not need to track innkeepers and repairs.

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Thank you so much for spending time to do this! It’s perfect!


Given that the functionality is still in the API and this was just a “designer choice”, I’m sure they’ll consider it at some point. Until then, you can always just use my addon - not as good as the real deal but it’ll do for now.

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After digging through the UI code for a bit, turns out there’s a cvar to get more tracking options back

/console minimapTrackingShowAll 1


Beautiful, thank you for sharing!!

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Thank you so much for this! This is very helpful :hugs:

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Awesome, thank you for this!

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(post deleted by author)

Just stopping by to say you are totally the bomb. Thank you so much!!

Oh my god, this makes Booty Bay possible for my leveling alts again. There’s so many trainers and auctioneers I found it nearly impossible to see quests!

Thank you very very much!

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Thank you for sharing this!

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I just wanna say that it is absolutely INSANE that Blizzard made it so we can’t even adjust half of minimap tracking by default. INSANE.