Can't turn off EXP gain as a level 60

Behsten in stormwind is the NPC you would normally use to turn off experience gain but on level 60 characters the option to turn EXP off is missing. I turned off my addons and still no option though his dialog to turn it off is still there.



I didn’t see that stated anywhere. I only see that it is unable to be done at this time for level 60 and up characters. No matter their reasoning, that is their choice.

Honestly? If you didn’t want to earn XP, all you would have had to do was not purchase the Dragonflight expansion. You would have remained there at 60 regardless. But if you’re only trying to do it on one character, I’m not sure what I can offer at this time. Perhaps it will change after the initial furor dies down and folks get more focused on being level 70 than an overpowered 60. I don’t know for certain if this is something they do every new expansion or not, I’ve never cared to freeze mine. If I find some history of this, I’ll come back to document it.


Well i tossed it up on the bug report forums, I suppose it’ll get handled one way or another since they are aware of it. Ty for the answer genuinely though, I was about to start monkeying with deleting cashe and all that.


You are welcome, though I’m sorry it’s not what you were hoping for, I’m sure.

I’m not yet seeing there being any history of this with other expansions, but they did turn stuff into “legacy” bonuses and stuff earlier than they normally do with the new talent trees and everything. This is purely conjectured on my part, but with that in mind and their intent to re-tune things, that might have played a part in them not choosing to allow for level 60 twinking, as it were. Or at least not until things settled some. Perhaps one of our SFAs may have some sort of insight they can drop here in the morning, or someone else who might have seen something posted somewhere in regards to this.


Personally I find this frustrating and not sure the rationale. I’m playing it through on my main but would like to have some of my alts just stay at 60 and let them be gatherers. They are reasonably geared for level 60s, but I have zero desire of having to go through all the pain of getting them equivalently geared as they level up when I just want to use them for a limited purpose (at least for now). I’ve never disabled experience before but I don’t have the time to spend gaming like I used to (plus it is just so dang repetitive). If it was acceptable to turn off exp up until level 59 a week ago, why not bump it to 69 now??

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This is better off in general or ingame suggestion feature if u want ur feed back heard.

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This is the dumbest thing! They have Chromie Time disabled if you’re level 60. Well, I guess I screwed that up because I leveled to max level in Shadowlands. Now I’m 60+ and can’t do Chromie Time!!! So I plan to level to 69 and lock my level here so when they release the next expansion and maybe increase Chromie Time to 69 and not 70, I won’t be screwed over. But NOOOOOOO!!! They don’t let me lock my level. So now my choice is to just not play my character until the next expansion drops and I can lock my level at 69? Who the hell thought this through???

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Just as a heads up - feedback on the game isn’t taken here in Customer Support, and would best be shared in #community:general-discussion with a fresh thread (not a necro’d one) or via the in-game feedback tool in the Support menu.


The Devs. They decided how this should be. Chromie Time was only accessible until 50 (kicking you out of it as soon as you leveled from 49 to 50) with the Shadowlands expansion, and then you had to go to the Shadowlands to level in current content to max level. So with Dragonflight being the current expansion and the ability to level 61 to 70, I don’t know why you would have thought it would operate any different?

Chromie Time was put into place to give folks the opportunity to level any expansion and any way they want for everything up until the current expansion content and levels. It would be pointless for it to be in effect from 61-70, when for the time being until the next expansion - you’re meant to be in Dragonflight content. Just like people griped about being tunneled into Shadowlands when it was current, now it’s the same song for anyone who is re-leveling to max level.

But as was stated, this is not the forum to vent and throw a tantrum. No staff comes here to collect feedback and data due to it being a forum for players to assist other players. Should you like to offer your suggestions and feedback where the staff can actually see it? As stated above me, General Discussion is where you need to be, or by submitting it through the in-game suggestions and feedback interface.


Only other option is to have an extra account with out dragon flight expansion. Then you can not go past 60. Of course you can not transfer from a dragon flight account to one with out it.

I don’t care where I’m supposed to be leveling. I care what content I want to play. From what I understand, Chromie Time is the only way you can do older instances up to level 60 (excuse me…level 59) and have them scale with your level. Otherwise I’m doing outleveled content or the new expansion content which is a lot less content to play. Yeah, I can play an alt, but this is the character I want to play.

They can still keep me limited on my level unless I buy the expansion. But they should allow you to do any of the content you want. It’s there. It makes more sense to give players a reason to play it then to limit it.

I don’t see the harm in allowing Chromie Time at any level.

And again, this isn’t the place where your opinion is going to be heard by anyone. This is a peer to peer help desk. Devs don’t come here. If you want to give them your ideas and opinions, then you need to use the in game suggestion tool or General Discussion.


Sorry, Cairiel, that is currently how that works. As the others mentioned, if you would like to see a change to how the system works please submit feedback in the appropriate forum category or through the Submit a Suggestion option found in game through the Support menu.

As this thread it from last year, and really not something that Support can help with, I’m going to lock it up. Thanks, all.