Can't turn in Timewalking Darkmoon Faire drops

It’s the first Sunday of the month & Darkmoon Faire is nowhere to be found. I currently have 3 quests on one of my characters that are items I picked up from running timewalking dungeons that are to be turned in at Darkmoon Faire. No doubt I’ll pick up more as I continue to run timewalking on my different alts. So I have 3 quest slots & 3 bag slots taken up, and no way to clear them because the Faire is missing. Help please?
Thank you in advance for your kind consideration.


and from what I’m seeing, DMF isn’t listed anywhere on the 2022 calendar either. That’s super strange.

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I hope so much that they get it fixed soon! I depend on the Darkmoon activities. :slight_smile: :slightly_smiling_face:

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I hope so too. It would be a fun little spot to get away from everything else for a while =)

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Just saw this post! Yay!!