Can't turn in the "Speaker of the Horde" quest

Can’t turn in the “Speaker of the Horde” quest because Princess Talanji is nowhere to be found. Because of this error, I can’t move to the next quest. I am stuck on quest.


Check your quest log. You may have another quest that you need to finish first to move Telanji back to this spot.

I can’t turn in the quest, because she is just vanishing in front of me.

Right, because there is likely another quest that needs to be completed first and she is shifting to THAT location instead.

Alexstraza does the same thing in DF.

I think this is probably related to the many Zandalar Phasing Topics.

I posted the same here, with more links further in.
::Edit x2:: fixed the link, again – i should go to bed.


Speaker of the Horde is 11th quest, and I finished all previous quests. And I tried with my other toon, but it worked just fine. I just can’t finish with this one particular toon.

Try dropping the quest and retaking it.

Sometimes you need to follow someone and if you don’t, it won’t always indicate where you need to pick up that part of the quest.

I’m certain you’re overlooking something. You likely have another quest active or you didn’t do a follow part properly and she’s not moving into her proper place.

I already did, and I talked to GM for this. He acknowledges this issue as well known, so he asked me to report this bug here.

She isn’t doing anything wrong. The entire zone is broken right now because it is stuck in the last phase of the Allied Race unlock quest. The Speaker of the Horde quest not being able to be completed is just the tip of the iceberg.

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So glad I came back to this game this week just for the story line to be broke… sweet

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Also broken for me on a new character on a new account. She walks upstairs to the map and disappears. I think the phase issue is the thing that makes the most sense.

This is still broken lol

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BfA is full of interlock phasing that will keep you from completing other questlines, some of which are even in Legion content. If you have done the cloak questline, you are locked out of the Druid class hall questline by being phased into “A Fresh Trauma”, even if you didn’t take that quest. Just by being eligible to take it Nordrassil is phased and Keeper Remulos does not appear. The best part is Magni won’t give you the quest there, even though he is right there in front of you, so unless you know that that quest is blocking you and go to Silithus to get it, you’re just plain stuck.

No doubt this same questline would also block any Cata quests in Nordrassil, too.

Still broken in Jan 2025. Even dropped to try and pick back up, and the quest won’t even show now.

It’s likely considered a low-level quest, have you enabled tracking?