Cant turn heroic helm and shoulder tokens into tier without normal tokens

grim batol is bugged, the health buff the mobs are suppose to be getting is only active on like 1/5th of the mobs, only the final boss has it

Lol I only did a full clear one time the other times i got stuck in that dungeon i did a skip run. The group was not happy.

you are incorrect, for chest, gloves and legs you needed the normal version in order to upgrade, which you could buy with valor. you only needed the heroic helm or shoulder token in order to get the heroic helm/shoulder tier. but now, you can still buy the normal chest, gloves and legs with justice, but you are unable to buy the normal helm/shoulders with justice, meaning the only way to get heroic helm/shoulder is you either need to waste a lockout doing normal raids and pray that your token drops, or you grind through the slog that is the new infernal dungeons

It’s only 64 fragments total for both, it really isn’t that bad. Grim Batol alone gives you 11 after killing all 4 bosses. 17 from HoO etc.

true, i just think it sucks that your reward for clearing heroic raid is “now you get to go run ~6 dungeons”

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You’d be running the dungeons anyway for valor cap. Plus its only 1 week of these raids left, next week is Firelands.

Unless you still plan to do the T11 raids and Firelands, you wouldn’t be the first.

Lol you’ve had 6 months to get the normal tier tho!!! So who’s fault is it really? You where carried most likely to so was it even a reward?

idk maybe my guild asked me to main swap for FL? whys little bro getting toxic?

I’d be questioning your guild on that one, asking a member to reroll on the very last week of the phase.

calling someone toxic for pointing out the facts. But then crying because you need to go run some heroic+ that you probably already need to do if your main swapping. Lol make up your mind!!! I doubt you got everything you needed to drop in the clear you did. Plus if your guild asked you to main swap why are they not helping you in the H+ dungeons? Thats really toxic

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it has not for helm and shoulders

first of all, all wowhead guides do not say this, just ones who never looked it up

it has not for the WHOLE phase even after ZA, ret pallies turn in the heroic for heroic prot tier just for pre pull

any thinking about this would also make you think how any first week clears on heroic ever got heroic helm and shoulders, no one downgraded to normal, they were not on vendors for valor

Whatever you want to tell yourselves.

but the helm and shoulder tokens are on the new dududungeon vendor so its not a real problem.

If you think that they are putting in an ounce of work into phase 6…you have waaay more faith in the team than I. Hell the gate opening is automated GG

this is cata not Season of Dumpsterfire what are you even talking about?

Yo who hurt you my guy?

Lil bro taking out his feral dps rage in here

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So I want my heroic teir helm. I have the normal helm From raiding. What do I do to get the heroic version of the helm off the vendor?